Assign Properties to Selected Controls, Tasks, and Folders

The Property view tab allows you to assign specific properties to the selected HWPM control. Every control exposes properties that can be modified from the Property view panel. For example, the text on a label is a property exposed by the Label control. Typical properties also include font, color, visible, enable, and so on. The Property view tab also displays the available properties for a task or folder selected in the process tree.

Figure 1.
  1. Enter a name and a label.
    The name is used by the author for identification purposes and the label contains the name to be displayed for end-users of the application.
  2. Select a task type.
    • Folder
    • HWPM Page
    • TCL module
    If Tcl module is selected, the Tcl File field will be enabled, and a file can be selected from the drop-down list. The module's folder (located within the process template directory) is used to populate the list.

    If HWPM Page is selected, the HWPM Page File field will be enabled, and one of the pages that have been built (by dragging and dropping HWPM Controls) can be selected. A folder is a placeholder to contain tasks (or folders) so that the process can be viewed as a structured tree.

  3. Click Apply.

Once properties have been assigned to a control, you can design GUI layout in a page using the Layout view tab. The Layout view tab allows you to position individual controls on the page and determine how the page will be displayed to the end-user.

Note: When a task or folder is selected, the Layout tab is irrelevant and will remain blank.

Figure 2.

There are several options for positioning controls with respect to complete page layout, including the following:

Distance from left edge of page is constant.
Relative distance between the widgets present in a page. Controls adjust (resize relative to the page resize. For example, if a control is placed with "right" as Relative the page automatically places a scroll-bar as it is preserving the relative position to the page.
No restrictions.
Sets the position of the control with respect to the right border of the page.

Use the Snap to icons at the top of the tab to snap the control to grid lines.