Main Functions Expected in the Tcl Script

There are four main procedures expected in the Tcl script, which are expected to do the following tasks:

  • Create the UI components.
  • Associate a namespace/member variable for each UI component.
  • GetDataFromDataModel to initialize the member variables (and the UI from a previous session).
proc ::hw::pmgr::${::hw::pmgr::namespace}::DisplayWnd {}
variable mainWnd;
variable id;
variable m_strFileName;  
set mynamespace ::hw::pmgr::${::hw::pmgr::namespace};

if {[WndExists] == 0}
CreateWnd "HWPM -- Load Template" "Import"

# Create all the UI components
set txtFileName [entry $mainWnd.txtFileName -font [hwt::AppFont] \
-textvariable ${mynamespace}::m_strFileName -width 60]


#Get the data from the DataModel and update the UI
return 0;
Checks to see if any of the member variable values have changed from what is currently in the DataModel.
  • Set the changed values in the DataModel.
  • If nothing has changed, "RestoreOriginalState".
proc ::hw::pmgr::${::hw::pmgr::namespace}::SetDataInDataModel {}
variable mainWnd;
variable id;
variable m_strFileName;

set nDataChanged 0;

# Set all the data from the UI into the data model.
# As we set, check if the data has changed

#Set the HM filename in the data model
if {$m_strFileName != \
[::hw::pmgr::PmgrGetData $id ${id}::HM_FILENAME]}
::hw::pmgr::PmgrSetData $id ${id}::HM_FILENAME $m_strFileName;
set nDataChanged 1;

if {$nDataChanged == 0}
·        Get data from the DataModel and initialize the member variables.
·        If the value of the data from the DataModel is "", initialize the member variable with default value.
proc ::hw::pmgr::${::hw::pmgr::namespace}::GetDataFromDataModel {}
variable mainWnd;
variable id;
variable m_strFileName;

#Get the HM filename in the data model
set m_strFileName [::hw::pmgr::PmgrGetData $id ${id}::HM_FILENAME];
if {$m_strFileName == ""}
set m_ strFileName "D:/altair/demos/hm/"
This is the heart of the module and will do whatever needs to be done by the module.
  • Relies exclusively on member variables for data.
  • Does not get data from the UI components.