HVVH-3000: Design Tab

In this tutorial, you will learn how to check run a solver deck generated with Inspire and compare two OUT files. The following additional options are available for the check run of the solver:
  • Two OUT files generated from an Inspire (OptiStruct solver) run can be compared.
  • A current solver run OUT file can be compared with a reference OUT file.
  • Two OUT files generated from the same solver deck using two different Inspire (OptiStruct solver) versions can be compared.
  • Solver version result comparison for OptiStruct results for a model generated in Inspire.

    If the result files are not available, the solver run can be done in the background; results generated are used in the result comparison.

Check Run an Inspire Model

In this step, you will check run a model built in Inspire (OptiStruct deck).

  1. From the Start Menu, select Altair HyperWorks 2020 > HyperWorks Verification and Validation Harness.
  2. From the Design tab, click the Check run tab.
  3. Click Check run.

    Figure 1.
  4. From the File type list, select Inspire (default).
  5. From the Current version list, select 2017_2017 (which refers to the Inspire and HyperWorks versions).
  6. In the Input file field, click the file browser icon, , to browse for additional input files. Load the hat.fem file, located in ..\tutorials\hvvh\Design\Inspire\Check-Run.
  7. In the Output directory field, click to select an output directory.
  8. Click Check run.
    In the Messages window, the run details are displayed along with the log file location.

    Run status displays Pass (success) or Fail (errors).

  9. To generate a check run report, click HTML Report.
    Figure 2.

Compare OUT Files

Directly compare OUT files generated from an OptiStruct solver check run.

  1. From the Design tab, click the Check run tab.
  2. Click Out compare.

    Figure 3.
  3. From the File type list, select Inspire (default).
  4. In the Input OUT file field, click the file browser icon, , to browse additional input files. Load the hat.fem file, located in ..\tutorials\hvvh\Design\Inspire\Check-Run.
  5. Click to load the input OUT file Current_hat.out, located in ..\tutorials\hvvh\Design\Inspire\Check-Run.
  6. In the Reference OUT file field, click to load the OptiStruct file Reference_hat.out, located in ..\tutorials\hvvh\Design\Inspire\Check-Run.
  7. In the Output directory field, click to select an output directory.
  8. Click Check run.

    The two OUT files selected are compared. Some of the important blocks in the OUT files are compared. More blocks will be added in other versions.

    After the check run [OUT file comparison], the status of the comparison is displayed in the Messages window. In the Messages window, the run details are displayed along with the log file location.

    Run status displays Pass (success) or Fail (errors).

  9. Click HTML Report.
    Comparisons between different blocks of results are shown line-by-line. Warnings are in light orange and errors are in dark orange.

    Figure 4.

Compare OUT Files with Reference Files

Compare an OptiStruct solver check run OUT file with a pre-certified or reference OUT file.

  1. From the Design tab, click the Check run tab.
  2. Click Out Ref. compare.
  3. From the File type list, select Inspire (default).
  4. From the Current Version list, select 2020.
  5. In the Input file field, click the file browser icon, , to browse additional input files. Load the hat.fem file, located in ..\tutorials\hvvh\Design\Inspire\Check-Run.
    Inspire runs this file in the background.
  6. In the Reference OUT file field, click to load Reference_hat.out, located in ..\tutorials\hvvh\Design\Inspire\Check-Run.
    This is used to compare the first generation OUT file.
  7. In the Output directory field, click to select an output directory.
  8. Click Check run.

    The two OUT files selected are compared. Some of the important blocks in the OUT files are compared. More blocks will be added in other versions.

    After the check run (OUT file comparison), the status of the comparison is displayed in the Messages window. In the Messages window, the run details are displayed along with the log file location.

    Run status displays Pass (success) or Fail (errors).

  9. Click HTML Report.
    Comparisons of different blocks of results are shown line-by-line. Warnings are in light orange and errors are in dark orange.

    Figure 5.

Compare OUT Files from Solver Check Runs

Compare OUT files from different versions of Inspire.

  1. From the Design tab, click the Check run tab.
  2. Click Out File comparison.
  3. From the File type list, select Inspire (default).
  4. From the Current Version list, select 2020 (refers to the Inspire and HyperWorks versions).
  5. From the Reference Version list, select 2017_14.0.0.
  6. In the Input file field, click the file browser icon, , to browse additional input files. Load the hat.fem file, located in ..\tutorials\hvvh\Design\Inspire\Check-Run.
    This solver file is used to run the solver for the check run. An OUT file is created in the output directory.
  7. In the Output directory field, click to select an output directory.
  8. Click Check run.

    The two OUT files selected are compared. Some of the important blocks in the OUT files are compared. More blocks will be added in other versions.

    After the check run (OUT file comparison), the status of the comparison is displayed in the Messages window. In the Messages window, the run details are displayed along with the log file location.

    Run status displays Pass (success) or Fail (errors).

  9. Click HTML Report.
    Comparisons of different blocks of results are shown line-by-line. Warnings are in light orange and errors are in dark orange.

    Figure 6.

Solver Version Results Comparison

This step illustrates solver version result comparison for OptiStruct results for a model generated in Inspire.

If the result files are not available, the solver run can be done in the background. The results generated are used in the result comparison.

  1. From the Design tab, click the Solver version result comparison tab.

    Figure 7.
  2. From the Solver Type list, select Inspire.
  3. From the Tolerance list, select default and leave 1e-06 as the value. You can set any tolerance for the scalar, vector, or tensor data types.
  4. From the Result list, select H3D.
  5. Click HTML report.
  6. Under Current > Load Model field, click the file browser icon, , and load hat.fem file, located in ..\tutorials\hvvh\Design\Inspire\Solver-version-result-comparison..
  7. Under Reference > Load Model, click and load the hat.fem file, located in ..\tutorials\hvvh\Design\Inspire\Solver-version-result-comparison.
  8. In the Output directory field, click to select an output directory.

    Figure 8.
  9. Under Reference, click the Run solver check box.
  10. Click Run Solver.
    This runs the solver in different versions of Inspire and loads the results in the Load Result box.

    Figure 9.
  11. Click Apply.
    The results available (Subcase, Simulation, and Result type) in the result file are loaded in the corresponding windows.

    Figure 10.
  12. Click each All check box beneath the result windows and click the second Apply button.
    Note: You can also select any combination of the Subcase, Simulation, and Result types to compare fewer results.
    Result comparisons of the current results and reference results are generated.

    In the Messages window, the run details are displayed along with the log file location.

    If difference > tolerance, it is indicated as Fail. Otherwise, they are shown to Pass.

  13. Click HTML Report.
    Comparisons of different data types are available. For example, for a vector (displacement), all the components (magnitude, X-displacement, Y-displacement, and Z-displacement) are compared for the entire model and the results are shown.

    Figure 11.
  14. Click Pass/Fail in the HTML report to open a detailed comparison report.
    If difference > tolerance, it is indicated as Fail. Otherwise, they are shown to Pass.

    Figure 12.

    In the report, the left window displays the diff contour (Current-Reference) and the right window displays the diff plot in HyperGraph.

  15. Click the left window to open the H3D diff-values in HyperView Player.
    You can view the contour differences and view the area where there are differences in case of failure.
  16. Click the right window to maximize/minimize the plot.
    The difference values for each step are calculated and the min/max values of difference are plotted.
  17. For the following two options, please refer to the HVVH-6000: Solution TabSolver Version Results Comparison (Radioss or OptiStruct) section.
    • Solver version result comparison (HyperView option)
    • Solver version result comparison (Run solver option)