nanoFluidX Companion
nanoFluidX companion (also known as, nFX[c]) is a post-processing tool developed to accompany the nanoFluidX solver and allow for an easier execution of certain post-processing tasks.
nFX[c]’s primary task is to execute a post-processing step that is known in ParaView ( as SPH Volume Interpolation and, optionally, Temporal Statistics. It does so using the same VTK libraries as ParaView and with less user interaction. Alternatively, nFX[c] can be used to interpolate nanoFluidX output data onto an AcuSolve mesh, or any other mesh (point cloud) provided to it (assuming appropriate format).
nFX[c] is shipped together with the nFX binary and can be found in the same folder as the nFX binary.
- No need for SPH Volume Interpolation inside ParaView, which results in fewer filters and less need to involve a workflow.
- Significantly faster loading times.
- Create movies in minutes instead of hours.
- Photorealistic rendering using the OSPRay plugin in ParaView becomes plausible.
- Automatically execute and save temporal statistics.
Using nFX[c]
nFXc example.cfg
nFXc --acusolve example.cfg
CaseDataDir path/to/data
PostJobName postjobname
TandemInterp false
ThrshFirst false
ConstPrtlVol true
Normalize false
SpacingFactor 1.0
InstOutRange all
InstOutStart 0.5
InstOutEnd 0.9
Overwrite false
InstOutRange all
InstOutStart 0.5
InstOutEnd 1.0
BreakVars true
TimeAvg true
TimeAvgStart 0.5
TimeAvgEnd 1.0
MaxThreadCount 16
CaseDataDir path/to/data
SaveAsVTU true
MeshDataRoot path/to/acusolve/mesh
cnnFile filename.cnn
crdFile filename.crd
specFile filename.nic
presFile filename.nic
veloFile filename.nic
MeshScale 1
ThrshFirst false
TimeAvgStart 0.5
TimeAvgEnd 1.0
CaseDataDir path/to/data
SaveAsVTU true
MeshDataRoot path/to/acusolve/mesh
crdFile filename
specFile filename
presFile filename
veloFile filename
MeshScale 1
ThrshFirst false
TimeAvgStart 0.5
TimeAvgEnd 1.0
MaxThreadCount 12
nFX[c] Commands
- CaseDataDir
- Full path to the directory containing simulation data and "Used_casefile.cfg".
- PostJobName
- Job name (used as the folder name to store interpolated data).
- TandemInterp
- Interpolate during nanoFluidX runtime.
- ThrshFirst
- Setting this to “true” executes a split between all the phases (threshold filter) before proceeding to the SPH data interpolation.
- ConstPrtlVol
- Setting this to "true" is similar to standard ParaView command execution. Setting it to false uses kernel summation as a volume value and is much more time consuming.
- Normalize
- Divide all the variables by the Shepard Summation, to likely produce more uniform and accurate results. Some cases may cause occurrence of discontinuities or unphysical data in the results.
- SpacingFactor
- A number value that determines the resolution of the mesh data.
- Overwrite
- Overwrite previous data in a job folder (to avoid unintentional overwriting).
- InstOutRange
- Interpolation and writing of instantaneous output is controlled by this option.
- InstOutStart
- If you have specified the InstOutRange as custom, this command marks the beginning of the time interval where instantaneous data is written.
- InstOutEnd
- If you have specified the InstOutRange as custom, this command marks the end time of the interval where instantaneous data is written.
- BreakVars
- Save each variable in a separate file for faster load in addition to the single file containing all variables.
- TimeAvg
- Time average of the data.
- TimeAvgStart
- Starting time after you would like to start averaging the data (because of the transient nature of the simulation, ramp-up time of the RPM can bias the time-averaged result).
- TimeAvgEnd
- Ending time for the time averaging.
- MaxThreadCount
- nanoFluidX Companion has the capability to specify the number of threads that the code will use to execute the interpolation task.
- SaveAsVTU
- To inspect your interpolation, you are allowed to export a VTU dataset to visualize in ParaView.
- MeshDataRoot
- Full path to the directory containing mesh data of AcuSolve (or an arbitrary mesh). Interpolated data will be saved in this folder as well.
- cnnFile
- Nodal connectivity file for the fluid region.
- crdFile
- Node coordinates file for the fluid region.
- specFile
- Full name (including the extension) of the output file containing interpolated volume fraction.
- presFile
- Full name (including the extension) of the output file containing interpolated pressure field.
- veloFile
- Full name (including the extension) of the output file containing interpolated velocity field.
- MeshScale
- Coordinate data is multiplied by [MeshScale] before interpolation.
Additional nFX[c] Help
nFXc --help