Engine Keyword Output global solve information at each solving iteration.
- Filename_implicit.info: for largest residuals (force and moment), largest displacement and rotation increments and largest corrections at each iteration and each increment.
- Filename_implicit.hist: contains all data for plotting purposes in HyperWorks.
- Filename_implicit.tpl: a tpl script for plotting in HyperWorks the data from .hist file
- If the run is launched
from HyperWorks Solver Run Manager, a plot of residuals,
displacements Can be displayed and updated during solve. To do this:
- Launch Radioss from HyperWorks Solver Run Manager
- Click the Graph button to plot the desired graph
(Fig. 1)
Figure 1. Residual plot from HyperWorks Solver Run Manager
- To plot the solve
information at the end of the run:
- Launch HyperWorks post-processor
- Load the generated .tpl file ( ), different graphs are then plotted (Fig. 2)
Figure 2. Solvinfo plots in HyperWorks