Geometry Import Guidelines
Workflow tips for geometry import in SimSolid.
Use Parasolid reader for best results.
- This reader only brings in solid geometries ignoring other data.
- Parasolid files is preferred over step files.
- With NX, use native geometry files.
- With CATIA, 3dxml files are lighter and faster to import.
Figure 1. Settings > Geometry import settings -
Be cautious using the legacy reader.
- Access legacy reader by unchecking ‘use Parasolid reader’ option from geometry import settings.
- Legacy reader would repair the geometry during import.
- It works well if there are small gaps/overlaps in the geometry, can use HyperMesh/Inspire to check.
- Repair functionality can fail in other cases resulting in bad geometry.
- Always export geometry in assembly/global coordinates, so they are positioned correctly.
- If part instances exist, save a copy of the part that can be imported into SimSolid.