Material properties define the structure and thermal characteristics of each part in
the assembly.
In SimSolid, materials are assumed to remain in the
linear-elastic region of the stress-strain curve for structural analysis. That is,
strains are assumed small (<0.2%) and material properties do not change with load
or time. Figure 1.
For structural analyses only density, Young’s modulus, and Poisson’s ratio must be
defined. Additionally, material yield strength is used to calculate factors of
safety. For thermal analysis, only thermal conductivity and the coefficient of
linear expansion are required.
SimSolid comes with a sample material database which
defines these parameters for common materials (steel, aluminum, and so on). Custom
material properties can be created as well.
Important: Material properties
can dramatically effect simulation solution results. Material properties
provided with SimSolid are intended as examples
only. Actual material properties should be obtained from the relevant part
or material supplier and entered in a local user database. SimSolid Corporation does not verify or validate the
accuracy of the examples materials provided.