Loading Model Files

The open architecture of HyperView allows for loading and viewing result files obtained from several sources. Based on the solver type of the files and the results you would like to visualize and analyze, there are different ways to load the input deck and their corresponding results into HyperView. This chapter guides you through the various ways you can load your files and the various tools available for viewing the model according to your interest.

To access the Load Model panel:


The Load Model panel allows you to load the result files along with the input finite element model files. If the result file already contains the model definition, it is not a requirement that you load the input finite element model file along with the results. However, when only result files are loaded, the component definitions such as name and color are not preserved. The solver definition for component names along with the default color settings is loaded. You can also choose to load only a model or result file.

There are 4 options in this panel: Overlay , Load Multiple Results, Result Math Template, and Reader Options. Roll over the items in the image below for more information on each option.

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Loading Multiple Result Files

You can load multiple result files for the same model file by clicking on the Add multiple result file icon . This is useful in cases where you have several result files, each containing a different load configuration for the same base model, and you want to bring all of the results into a single session.

How to load a model and multiple results from different files:

1. From the Load Model panel, activate the Load model and Load results check boxes.
2. Click the file browser button, , next to Load model and select an animation file.
3. Click the Add multiple result file icon, , located to the right of the Load results to open the Result File List dialog.
4. Click the Add result file button to open the Load Result Files dialog.
5. Select the desired result files using Ctrl + left click or Shift + left click, and click Open.
6. If necessary, repeat Steps #4 and #5 to add more files.
7. Click OK to exit the Result File List dialog.
8. Click Apply. The model and the selected result files are loaded. A model content table and results table is created for post-processing.

Using the Results Browser to Control Files

If you activate the Overlay check box in the panel, you can load multiple models and their results into a single window. You can then set the active model in the window from the Results Browser. This is done by selecting the model from the model list in the Results Browser.


Within the Results Browser, there is a Files View. To turn on the Files View, click the icon 3. This adds the Files listing to the top of the Results Browser. The right click functionality of the Results Browser is also available in the Files listing. This means that you can also right click on a file and select Make Current to determine the active model.


Supported Solver Result File Formats

The following solver result file formats are supported by HyperView.


In addition to the solver result file formats supported through direct readers, HyperView supports additional solver formats via result translators. .

Generic ASCII Reader

A generic ASCII reader is now available which allows you to bring custom results directly into HyperView. The Altair ASCII format is useful for reading the results of any in-house or propriety codes which are saved in a generic format. This flexible format supports multiple data types (scalars, vectors, and tensors) spanning across various simulation types (linear, modal, and transient), and allows user defined labels for the data types. This generic ASCII reader is also available in HvTrans; therefore an H3D file can easily be generated for any of the custom results in the ASCII file.

ASCII Format Supports