Setting Up Loading Conditions

A finite element solver can solve for responses of parts to loading conditions placed on them. The loads can be in the form of any combination of boundary constraints, forces, pressures, temperatures, etc.  This section focuses on defining the loading conditions on a model.

In this section, you will learn how to:

Analysis Setup

Analysis setup is the definition of all information for an analysis besides the mesh including:

This section will focus on the creation of boundary conditions

Supported Entities

FE Loading


Reference Entities


Coordinate Entities




Output Requests


Loads on Geometry

HyperMesh allows the user to place loads on geometry before the mesh is ever created.  Then using the BCs>Loads on Geometry pull down, those loads will be mapped to the elements that were created from that geometry.  This is a time saving advantage as the user only needs to pick  one, or at most a few, geometric entities to ultimately create hundreds or even thousands of loads or constraints.

To use this, change the entity selector from a node or element selection to a geometric selection such as surfs or lines.

Then after the part is meshed, using the Loads on Geometry function, the loads will be automatically mapped to elements created from that geometry.