Supported File Formats

View a list of supported file formats for import and export.

Table 1. Geometry File Formats for Import
File Format Version
ACIS (.sab, .sat) through R27
CATIA V4 (.model) all 4.xx
CATIA V5 (.CATPart, .CATProduct) R10 through R29
IGES (.iges, .igs) 5.2 and 5.3
Inspire Studio (.istudio) 2019.3 through 2020
Note: Evolve .evo and .pn formats are still supported if you select Inspire All Types in the Open File window.
Inventor (.ipt, .iam) through 2020
JT (.jt) through 10.4
Parasolid (.x_b, .x_t, .xmt_bin, .xmt_txt) through 32.0
Pro/Engineer (.asm, .prt) 13 through Creo 6
UG NX (Unigraphics) (.prt) 11.0 through 1892
SolidWorks (.sldasm, .sldprt) 99 through 2020 (Inspire does not support files written from SolidWorks EDU Edition 2013-2018.)
STEP (.step, .stp) AP 203, AP 214, AP 242
Table 2. Mesh File Formats for Import
File Format Version
STL (ASCII .stl)  
OptiStruct (.dat, .fem, .nas) through 14.0
WaveFront (.obj) This format will write triangular mesh data for Parasolid geometry, and n-sided polygons for PolyNURBS cages.
Table 3. Geometry File Formats for Export
File Format Version
ACIS (.sab, .sat) R19
IGES (.iges, .igs) 5.3
Parasolid (.x_b, .x_t, .xmt_bin, .xmt_txt) 25.0 to 32.0 (the default is 28.1)
STEP (.step, .stp) 214
Table 4. Mesh File Formats for Export
File Format Version
STL (ASCII .stl)  
VRML (.vrml, .vrl) 97
WaveFront (.obj) This format will write triangular mesh data for Parasolid geometry, and n-sided polygons for PolyNURBS cages.