Find the constrained minimum of a real function.
x = ga(@func,nVars)
x = ga(@func,nVars,A,b)
x = ga(@func,nVars,A,b,Aeq,beq)
x = ga(@func,nVars,A,b,Aeq,beq,lb,ub)
x = ga(@func,nVars,A,b,Aeq,beq,lb,ub,nonlcon)
x = ga(@func,nVars,A,b,Aeq,beq,lb,ub,nonlcon,options)
[x,fval,info,output] = ga(...)
- func
- The function to minimize.
- nVars
- The number of variables in the domain.
- A
- A matrix used to compute A*x for inequality constraints.
- b
- The upper bound of the inequality constraints A*x<=b.
- Aeq
- A matrix used to compute Aeq*x for equality constraints.
- beq
- The upper bound of the equality constraints Aeq*x=beq.
- lb
- The design variable lower bounds.
- ub
- The design variable upper bounds.
- nonlcon
- The non-linear constraints function.
- options
- A struct containing option settings.
- x
- The location of the function minimum.
- fval
- The minimum of the function.
- info
- The convergence status flag.
- info = 3
- Converged with a constraint violation within tolCon.
- info = 1
- Function value converged to within tolFun or tolKKT.
- info = 0
- Reached maximum number of iterations or function calls, or the algorithm aborted because it was not converging.
- output
- A struct containing generation details. The members are as follows:
- generations
- The number of generations.
- xgen
- The candidate solution for each generation.
- fvalgen
- The objective function value for each iteration.
- congen
- The constraint values for each iteration. The columns will contain the constraint function values in the following order: linear inequality contraints, linear equality constraints, nonlinear inequality contraints, nonlinear equality constraints.
Minimize the function ObjFunc, subject to a linear inequality constraint.
function obj = ObjFunc(x)
obj = 2*(x(1)-3)^2 - 5*(x(1)-3)*(x(2)-2) + 4*(x(2)-2)^2 + 6;
n = 2;
A = [-1, -4];
b = [-27];
lb = [-10, -10];
ub = [10, 10];
[x,fval] = ga(@ObjFunc,2,A,b,[],[],lb,ub)
x = [Matrix] 1 x 2
6.95801 5.00452
fval = 13.9806344
Options are specified with gaoptimset.
The initial design variable values can be specified with a vector using the InitialPopulation option.
The design variable ranges can be specified as a 2xN matrix using the PopInitRange option.
- Generations: 100 * number of variables, capped at 1000
- Population Size: 100
- PopInitRange: [-10,10] units for each variable
- InitialPopulation: random over PopInitRange
- TolCon: 0.5%
- Display: 'off'
The unbounded limits for lb and ub are not fully supported and are set to -1000 and 1000. Use of these limits is discouraged due to the size of the search area.
To pass additional parameters to a function argument, use an anonymous function.