HVVH-5000: FE Model Tab

In this tutorial, you will learn how to perform model setup in HyperMesh and identify problems during the interactive HyperMesh operation.

FE Model Setup - First Use Case

In this step you will perform the FE Model setup using the Model Setup tab.

  1. From the FE Model tab, select the Model Setup tab.

    Figure 1.
  2. From the Solver Type list, select OptiStruct.
  3. From the HW Version list, select 2020.1.
  4. Click the Modify script/cmf checkbox.
  5. Do not select the Config file or Models option.
  6. Under the Script/cmf files section, click the file browser icon, , or the add file icon, , to load the Plate.tcl file, located in ..\tutorials\hvvh\FEModel\ModelSetup.
  7. In the Output directory field, click to select an output directory.
  8. Click Run.

    Figure 2.

    The model file with the script is imported and a set of operations in HyperMesh are executed. The status is displayed under Model Setup info.

    If the selected Tcl file is executed correctly and there are no problems with the HyperMesh operations, the status displays Pass.

    In the Messages window, the run details and the log file location are displayed.

  9. Click HTML Report to open an HTML report which contains details of the script executed in HyperMesh.

FE Model Setup - Second Use Case

  1. From the FE Model tab, select the Model Setup tab.
  2. From the Solver Type list, select OptiStruct.
  3. From the HW Version list, select 2020.1.
  4. Click the Modify script/cmf and Config file check boxes.
  5. Do not select the Models option.
  6. Under the Script/cmf files section, click the file browser icon, , or the add file icon, , to load the Plate.tcl file, located in ..\tutorials\hvvh\FEModel\ModelSetup.
  7. In the Config file field, click to load the Model_setup_cfg.txt file, located in ..\tutorials\hvvh\FEModel\ModelSetup.
  8. In the Output directory field, click to select an output directory.
  9. Click Run.

    Figure 3.

    The model file with the script is imported and a set of operations in HyperMesh are executed. The status is displayed under Model Setup info.

    When you select the config file, the operation is interactive and HyperMesh starts, allowing you to see the model's interactive operations.

    If the selected Tcl file is executed correctly and there are no problems with the HyperMesh operations, the status displays Pass. If there are additional lines at the end of the command files that are generated compared to the original script, it is highlighted in orange as a warning.

    In the Messages window, the run details and the log file location are displayed.

  10. Click HTML Report to open an HTML report which contains details of the script executed in HyperMesh.

FE Model Setup - Third Use Case

  1. From the FE Model tab, select the Model Setup tab.
  2. From the Solver Type list, select OptiStruct.
  3. From the Current Version list, select 2020.1.
  4. From the Reference Version list, select 2017.0.
  5. Click the following check boxes: Modify script/cmf,Config file, and Ref Version.
  6. Do not select the Models option.
  7. Under the Script/cmf files section, click the file browser icon, , or the add file icon, , to load the Plate.tcl file, located in ..\tutorials\hvvh\FEModel\ModelSetup.
  8. In the Config file field, click to load the Model_setup_cfg.txt file, located in ..\tutorials\hvvh\FEModel\ModelSetup.
  9. In the Output directory field, click to select an output directory.
  10. Click Run.

    The model file with the script is imported and a set of operations in Current HM Version and Reference HM Version are executed. The status is displayed under Model Setup info.

    When you select the config file, the operation is interactive and HyperMesh starts, allowing you to see the model's interactive operations.

    If the selected Tcl file is executed correctly and there are no problems with the HyperMesh operations, the status displays Pass. If additional lines are generated at the end of the command files compared to the original script, it is highlighted in orange as a warning.

    In the Messages window, the run details and the log file location are displayed.

  11. Click HTML Report to open an HTML report. The report contains details of the script executed in HyperMesh.

Setup an FE Model with the Process Manager Template

  1. From the FE Model tab, select the Model Setup tab.
  2. From the Solver Type list, select OptiStruct.
  3. From the HW Version list, select 2020.1.
  4. Activate the Modify script/cmf and Config file checkboxes.
  5. Do not select the Models option.
  6. Under the Script/cmf files section, click the file browser icon, ,or the add file icon, , to load the Launch.tcl file, located in ..\tutorials\hvvh\FEModel\ModelSetup\pmt.
    Important: Edit the process template path in Launch.tcl.
  7. Under the Config file section, click to load the Model_setup_cfg.txt file, located in ..\tutorials\hvvh\FEModel\ModelSetup\pmt\ModelSetup.txt.
  8. In the Output directory field, click to select an output directory.
  9. Click Run.
    Note: The Config file option should always be ON to execute the Process Manager template, with quit = 1 in ModelSetup1.txt. The default of quit = 0 or no entry continues without waiting for user input.

    If the selected Tcl file is executed correctly and there are no problems with the HyperMesh operations, the status displays Pass. If there are additional lines are generated at the end of the command file compared to the original script, it is highlighted in orange as a warning.

Generate Keyword Coverage Summary

  1. From the FE Model tab, select the Keywords coverage tab.

    Figure 4.
  2. From the File Type list, select LS-DYNA.
  3. From the HW Version list, select 2020.1.
  4. Under the Input Deck(s) section, click the file browser icon, , or the add file icon, , to load the following files:.




  5. In the Output directory field, click to select an output directory.
  6. Click Generate.

    From the imported solver decks, supported, unsupported, and partially supported keywords are generated.

    In the Messages window, the run details and the log file location are displayed.

  7. Click the pie chart to view details regarding the published files, as well as to see details in a document of supported, unsupported, and partially supported keywords based on the analysis decks.
    All individual and combined files are listed in the document.

    Figure 5.

Basic Import and Export

Identify any loss of data during solver import and export.

  1. From the FE Model tab, select the Basic IO tab.

    Figure 6.
  2. From the File Type list, select OptiStruct.
  3. From the HW Version list, select 2020.1.
  4. Click the Model Checker/Entity count check box.
  5. Use the default Export profile.
  6. Under the Input deck(s) section, click the file browser icon, , or the add file icon, , to load the following files:.


  7. In the Output directory field, click to select an output directory.
  8. Click Import/Export.

    Under Step 1, the import and export time and status (pass or fail) of the reference model file (selected above) are displayed.

    The last column displays information on the ASCII difference between the imported file and the HyperMesh exported file. If there are no differences, Pass is displayed (otherwise, Fail).

    Step 2 displays the import and export time and status (pass or fail) of the exported model file that is re-imported into HyperMesh (along with the import and export status and time).

    The last column displays information on the ASCII difference between the model checker summary of the file in steps 1 and 2. Any loss of data is identified.

  9. Click Check run.

    The original model and the HyperMesh exported models are run with the Radioss solver. The OUT file blocks are compared as shown in the status.

    In the Messages window, the run details and the log file location are displayed.

  10. Click HTML Report to open an HTML Report.

    Figure 7.

    Figure 8.

Compare HyperMesh Versions

  1. From the FE Model tab, select the Compare HM Versions tab.
  2. From the File Type list, select OptiStruct.
  3. From the Current Version list, select 2020.1.
  4. From the Reference Version list, select
  5. Under the Input deck(s) section, click the file browser icon, , icon or the add file icon, , to load the following files:


  6. In the Output directory field, click to select an output directory.
  7. Click Import/Export.

    The first table details the import and export time and status (pass or fail) of the model file selected in the current version.

    The second table details the import and export time and status (pass or fail) of the model file selected in the reference version.

    The last column displays information on the ASCII difference between the exported files in the current and reference versions of HyperMesh. If there are no differences, Pass is displayed (otherwise Fail).

    In the Messages window, the run details and the log file location are displayed.

  8. Click HTML Report to open an HTML report.

    Figure 9.

Special Case: Compare HyperMesh Exported Decks Based on FE Entities

  1. From the FE Model tab, select the Special case tab.

    Figure 10.
  2. From the File Type list, select LS-DYNA.
  3. From the HW Version list, select 2020.1.
  4. Do not select the IO Merge or Export Merge options.
  5. In the Input file field, click the file browser icon, , or the add file icon, , to load the following file:
    ..\FE Model\Special case\bumper_deck.key.
  6. In the Output directory field, click to select an output directory.
  7. Click Import/Export.

    The first table details the import and export times and status (pass or fail) of the model file in the HyperMesh version selected.

    The file is re-imported and the status is displayed under Re-import status.

    FE entities are compared with the original solver deck. Any changes in data shows any loss of data, otherwise it is shown to pass.

    In the Messages window, the run details and the log file location are displayed.

  8. Click HTML Report to open an HTML report.

    Figure 11.

Check Interactive Operations in HyperCrash and Compare Exported Files

  1. From the FE Model tab, select the HC Session tab.

    Figure 12.
  2. From the File type list, select Radioss v2017.
  3. From the Current Version list, select 2020.1.
  4. Click Reference file.
  5. Click the Input File field.
  6. Click the add file icon, , to load the FOAMD00_v14_0000.rad file, located in ...\tutorials\hvvh\FEModel\HCSession\.
  7. Click the Session File field.
  8. Click to load the Position.xml file, located in ...\tutorials\hvvh\FEModel\HCSession\.
  9. Click the Reference File field.
  10. Click to load the FOAM_Dummy_Reference_0000.rad file, located in ...\tutorials\hvvh\FEModel\HCSession\d.
  11. In the Output directory field, click the file browser icon, , to select an output directory.
  12. Click Execute.

    The input file is imported into HyperCrash. Using the session file, a set of interactive operations are executed in HyperCrash and the file is exported.

    In the Compare table, the Diff column displays information on the ASCII difference between this exported file and the current and reference files selected above. If there are no differences, it is displayed as Pass (otherwise, Fail).

    Figure 13.

    In the Messages window, the run details and the log file location are displayed.

  13. Click HTML Report to open an HTML report.

    Figure 14.
    The difference between the exported files is not significant.

HyperCrash Basic Import and Export

  1. From the FE Model tab, select the HC Basic IO tab.
    Figure 15.
  2. From the File Type list, select Radioss v2017.
  3. From the HW version list, select 2020.1.
  4. From the Unit System list, select kN-mm-ms-kg.
  5. Click Model checker.
  6. Under the Input deck(s) section, click the file browser icon, , or the add file icon, , to load the model01_0000.rad file, located in ..\tutorials\hvvh\FEModel\HCBasic IO\ file.
  7. In the Output directory field, click to select an output directory.
  8. Click Import/Export.

    Under Step 1, the import and export time and status details (pass or fail) of the reference model file (selected above) are displayed.

    The last column displays information on the ASCII difference between the imported file and the HyperCrash exported file. If there are no differences, Pass is displayed, otherwise Fail.

    Step 2 displays the import and export time and status (pass or fail) of the exported model file that is re-imported back into HyperCrash (along with the import and export status and time).

    The last column displays information on the ASCII difference between the model checker summary file in steps 1 and 2. Any loss of data is identified

  9. Click Check run.
    In the Messages window, the run details and the log file location are displayed.
  10. Click HTML Report to open an HTML report.

Compare HyperCrash Versions

  1. From the FE Model tab, select the Compare HC versions tab.

    Figure 16.
  2. From the File type list, select Radioss v14.
  3. From the Current version list, select 2020.1.
  4. From the Reference Version list, select
  5. From the Unit System list, select kN-mm-ms-kg.
  6. Under the Input File section, click the file browser icon, , or the add file icon, , to load the model01_0000.rad file, located in ..\tutorials\hvvh\FEModel\CompareHCVersions\model01_0000.rad.
  7. In the Output directory field, click to select an output directory.
  8. Click Import/Export.

    The first table details the import and export time and status (pass or fail) of the model file selected in the current version.

    The second table details the import and export time and status (pass or fail) of the model file selected in the reference version.

    The last column displays information on the ASCII difference between the exported files in the current and reference versions of HyperCrash. If there are no differences, it is displayed as Pass, otherwise Fail.

    In the Messages window, the run details are displayed along with the log file location.
  9. Click HTML Report to open an HTML report.

    Figure 17.