Specifies the location to create temporary files.
TMP directory
- directory
- The path to the directory.
To set the directory to /tmp: TMP /tmp.
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Learn how to start HyperWorks Desktop applications on Windows and Linux.
HyperMesh Batch is a non-graphical version of HyperMesh that can be used to run command files or Tcl scripts in batch mode.
The start-in directory is the location from which the HyperWorks Desktop application is launched.
HyperWorks Desktop writes several different settings files.
There are various types of startup customizations that are possible for HyperWorks Desktop. These items define how the application looks or behaves at product startup.
HyperMesh allows you to create a script file named hmcustom.tcl that can be used to automatically execute a series of commands or to define custom settings during startup.
Environment variables can be defined to configure various aspects of HyperWorks Desktop.
Sets path to a cache location for speedier invoke launch times for a server to client HyperWorks setup.
Defines PAM-CRASH ERF-format behavior in HyperGraph.
Defines how LS-DYNA ASCII and binout requests are presented in HyperGraph.
Sets the default file type displayed in the file browser.
Sets the location to read/write the command file.
Sets the mode to write the command file.
Determines the action taken if HyperWorks Desktop crashes during invoke.
Displays the graphics rotation frame rate in the command window.
Sets the location to read/write the hmmenu.set file.
Defines if the hmmenu.set file is written to the directory where it was read from, or to the start-in directory.
Forces HyperMesh batch to use stubbed-out graphics libraries on Linux.
Sets the location to read/write the hmsettings.tcl file.
Allows a component to be part of more than one assembly.
Sets the location to read/write the hwsettings.xml file.
Creates a file that contains HyperMesh startup timing information.
Specifies the path to search for certain configuration files.
Controls the display of the HyperWorks build number on the application title bar.
Specifies the UG license server to use for versions 9.0 and later.
Specifies additional paths for searching for Tcl scripts.
Specifies the location to create temporary files.
Specifies the location to create temporary files.
Specifies the location to create temporary files.
Specifies the path to the UG installation directory for importing UG files.
Specifies the path to the UG installation bin/UGII directory for importing UG files.
Specifies the UG license bundle to use for importing UG files.
Specifies the UG license server to use for versions 8.5 and earlier.
Controls the new visuals created by the Composite extension on Linux platforms.
A preference file is an ASCII file that configures the application or its clients. It specifies default user settings, such as the order in which colors are assigned, the default printer and default page layout.
A session file is an ASCII text file that contains a structured list of session statements.
Report templates are ASCII text files that contain statements for creating reports.
Learn how to create, open, import and save models.
Control the view and display of your model in the modeling window.
Use the Session Browser to view the current session and all the pages and windows it contains in a hierarchical display.
Publish your HyperWorks Desktop session to HTML, PowerPoint, or Report files.
Use the Parameters Browser to parameterize the contents of a session file or report template and automate a variety of analysis processes with the Parameters Browser.
Automate common workflows using the Process Manager or Automate tool.
Explore, organize and manage your personal data, collaborate in teams, and connect to other data sources, such as corporate PLM systems to access CAD data or publish simulation data.
Overview of external readers and the Altair Binary Format, the generic ASCII reader, running HyperWorks in batch mode, using Tcl/Tk commands, translators, and result math.
There are various types of startup customizations that are possible for HyperWorks Desktop. These items define how the application looks or behaves at product startup.
Start HyperWorks Desktop and configure the applications.
Environment variables can be defined to configure various aspects of HyperWorks Desktop.
Specifies the location to create temporary files.
Specifies the location to create temporary files.
TMP directory
HyperWorks Environment Variable
To set the directory to /tmp: TMP /tmp.
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