13.0.110 API Programmer's Guide
New Commands
- Comparison
- Connectors
- General/Core
- Meshing
- Morphing
- Safety
- *create2dseatbeltwithmeshelementsize
- *createseatbeltsurfaceandlinesUsingOrientNode
Modified Commands
- General/Core
- hm_wadlinesgetgridpoints/hm_wadlinesgetreferenceline - Added new ECER method.
- *createentity/*createentitysameas/*setvalue - Quotes are now robustly supported, in addition to curly braces.
- Meshing
- hm_findclosestpointonline - Added a new optional argument return_type.
- hm_getaverageelemsize/hm_getelementsqualityinfo - The value for panel_sensitive is now 1 by default instead of 0.
- *elementqualitysmoothnodesnew - Added additional capabilities to the feature_angle argument to enable the new option for smoothing along edges.
- *optimsmooth - Added additional value to the algorithm argument to enable the new option for smoothing along edges.
Deprecated Commands
- General/Core
- *findnodesbetweencomponents - Use *findbetween instead.