Writes a table entity.
void HMIN_table_write(HM_entityidtype id, char *name, unsigned int color, unsigned int config, unsigned int columns, char* column_types[], char* column_labels[]);
HyperMesh hminlib Function
Writes a table entity.
- id
- The ID of the table.
- name
- The name of the table.
- color
- The color of the table. Valid values are 1-64.
- config
- The configuration assigned to the table.
- columns
- The number of columns in the table.
- column_types
- The type of each column in the table. Valid column types include bool, double, float, int, string, triple unsignedint, and any entity type.
- column_labels
- The label of each column in the table. If no column labels are available, this should be set to null. If column labels are not available for a few columns, empty string should be send for those columns.
Incorrect usage results in an FE-input error.
Version History