Marks specify groups of entities that are transferred to the command processor. Marks can be created for most entities, and commands are then issued to perform operations on the entities on the mark. HyperWorks Desktop allows for two standard marks and a user mark.
*createmark elems 1 "50 51 52"
*deletemark elems 1
This *createmark command populates mark 1 with elements 50, 51, and 52. The *deletemark command deletes the elements contained on mark 1.
In addition, Boolean operation commands such as *markdifference and *markintersection allow for interactions between the two marks, performing specific comparisons between the entities contained in mark 1 and mark 2.
The user mark allows entities to be saved or retrieved both from within the HyperWorks Desktop panels as well as from commands. The *marktousermark command allows the entities contained on one of the standard marks to be placed on the user mark. The Tcl command hm_getusermark returns the IDs for the entities stored on the user mark.
The user mark can also be accessed with the extended entity selection "retrieve" option from any panel where that particular entity can be selected. Similarly, the extended entity "save" option saves the selected entities to the user mark.