Altair HyperWorks 2020 Release Notes

Categories are listed in alphanumeric order.

1D Meshing

New Features

Beam Modeling (1D Elements)

A new user interface allows you to create and edit 1D beam/bar/rod elements. The create function supports line meshing with and without shell elements attached. If shell elements are attached, orientation and offsets are automatically adjusted to reflect shell normals and thickness. End pin flags can also be modified interactively.
Rigid/Flexible Connections and MPC Connections

The new interface allows you to create and edit RBE2/RBE3/Rigid connections and MPC.
RBE2/RBE3/Rigid connection creation is done via the Interactions ribbon using the RBE2/RBE2/Rigid tool.
MPC create and edit functionality is accessible via the Structural ribbon using the BCs: MPCs tool.

2D Meshing

New Features


A new interactive workflow dedicated to manually refining shell and attached 1D elements has been added in the Refine tool in HyperWorks. New split patterns and templates are also supported, which are not available in the split panel.


Washer treatment for holes in proximity:
  • BatchMesher can now create washers for holes in proximity while better honoring the parameter file settings.
  • The washer width is adjusted in the proximity area, maintaining the ratio of widths defined in the table. If the priorities of the holes in proximity are different, then for a higher priority hole BatchMesher will try to keep the width defined in the table, and holes with less priority will have an adjusted width within the proximity area.
  • For holes in proximity with “auto” treatment defined, BatchMesher tries to reduce the number of layers around the hole.
Improved mesh flow around holes and washers.
Complex bead identification and treatment:
  • BatchMesher can now identify complex bead shapes.
  • The identified beads are meshed with nodes on the top midline to provide consistency in bead capture.
A new option "Suppress sharp steps <" is added to allow suppression of one of the edges in proximity to avoid minimum element size failures.
The option "Attempt to maintain narrow slot rounded ends using >= 6 elements" is relabeled as "Attempt to maintain narrow slot" and is now supported for treating slot ends as either rounded or rectangular.
The number of tria elements on free edges are reduced.
Improvements have been made to the midmesh algorithm to allow extraction directly at the target element size. This is now the recommended approach.
  • No need to extract at the minimum size and then rebuild to desired target size
  • The criteria file is now the primary driver for the extraction process and must be set properly
  • Automatically imprint curvature aligned trim lines on cylinders, ensuring good capture of cylindrical structures even with large target element sizes
  • Improved fillet capturing, by ensuring minimum size-based seeding
These improvements have shown to decrease the overall midmesh workflow time by up to 25%.
Flatten connections is also now enabled by default.
The Edit Topology tool now supports imprinting of free lines. The imprint of surface edges has been improved to allow specifying the imprint direction as normal to the selected surfaces, tangential to the selected surface, or the shortest distance. In addition, the robustness of the line imprint has been improved to help eliminate the generation of sliver elements.
Facets from Nodes
This is a new utility to automatically create facets out of node clouds or scanned nodal data sets. For complex curvatures, it also attempts to fix any remaining holes in the model. It is useful for reconstructing faceted models for utilization in CAE simulations.
Performance improvements for large models of up to 12x, allowing for full assembly comparisons. Ability to get detailed comparisons on a per-component basis.
All 2D meshing APIs, panels, and HyperWorks workflows are supported for undo/redo.
Added support for the Nastran method of aspect ratio calculation.
The project > to surface subpanel now supports projecting to multiple surfaces.
Improved smoothing for nodes associated to geometry or midmesh edges.
Improved the performance of first to second order conversion for meshes associated to geometry.
Continued robustness improvements to surface deviation meshing related to fixing issues with intersections on refinement zones domain and sharp edges.
Enhanced selection in HyperWorks:
  • Replicate, ALT + LMB selects elements by face

  • Midmesh > Automatic > Elements as source, ALT + LMB selects elements by face

  • Midmesh > Edit Topology > Lines as source, Target selector, ALT + LMB selects elements by face

Resolved Issues

  • Resolved issues with the "Add Washer" and "Trim Hole" tools, where the collector widget did not have focus upon launching the dialog.
  • Added back the missing “Bead recognition” checkbox to the Beads/Bosses tab of the Parameter Editor.
  • Fixed an issue with the Parameter Editor where the holes 2D table with the "Elem Mode" column set to "Exact" was not getting written to the parameter file correctly. This was causing the "Elem Mode" to be set as "Minimal" instead.
  • Resolved an issue where Acoustic Cavity Mesh did honor the minimum element size and resulted in long execution time.

  • The HyperWorks Map Thickness tool is fixed to not delete previously created properties, components, or beam sections.

Abaqus Interface

New Features

Bolt Pretension Manager for Abaqus Interface
Introducing a new bolt pretension manager tool for Abaqus interface. The tool supports creation of pretension loads/displacements on 1D and 3D bolts.
Contact Grouping for Abaqus in Contact Browser
New contact group entity introduced in contact browser that allows grouping of multiple contact pairs/Tie under one keyword (*CONTACT PAIR/*TIE) to facilitate multiple data lines of contact pair/tie as well as review each definition individually.
Field Remapping of Element and Node Attributes
Upon remesh, elemental and nodal values such as thickness, orientation, offset etc., are retained. All the keywords associated with element and node thickness, offset and orientation are automatically updated upon remesh.
Apply Quote Rules
Export options for solver input file now contains export with quote rules. Named entities in Abaqus input file that start with special characters and numbers as well as empty spaces with names are automatically recognized and quotes are applied to avoid solver error upon running.
New Keywords
*TENSILE FAILURE – Explicit profile only
*NO TENSION – All profiles
*NO COMPRESSION – All profiles
*VISCOUS – Standard 2D and Standard 3D
*CONTACT FORMULATION – Available in explicit already, added to Standard 2D/3D
New Elements
C3D5 and C3D5H – Pyramid elements for standard 3D profile.
CSS8 – Continuum solid shell element for standard 3D profile.
CAXA82 and CAXA8H2 – Axisymmetric 8 node elements for standard 2D profile.
DC1D2E – Coupled thermal-electric 2 node link element for standard 2D profile.
C3D10 – Second order tetrahedral element for explicit profile.


Updated Keywords
*FRICTION – Added under *GAP to enable friction for gap elements in standard profile
*COUPLING – Now the reference node is updated to have a node set
*FREQUENCY – Previously there was no option to set SIM=NO, now it is enabled
*CONNECTOR ELASTICITY – new option REGULARIZE and RTOL added for explicit profile
*SOLID SECTION – For composites, option to choose *ORIENTATION is exposed
*FASTENER PROPERTY – MASS option is removed from the keyword as per Abaqus 2016 requirement
Date and Time on Exported Input Files
All exported input files in Abaqus profile now will have date and time of export as comment statement at the start of the input file.
Parts and Instances for Abaqus Interface
Support instance level content that has additional keywords such as sets, surfaces etc. on some of the instances.
Export options for exporting a part and instance input file with every part going into a separate include.
AutoContact Enhancements
Component based autocontact – Uses the complete component instead of surfaces upon detection of proximity.
Choosing of the prefix name – a choice of using a preferred name as prefix for all contact pairs and ties generated.
Default detection angle is set to 30deg.
Consolidating multiple contact pair/tie is disabled by default. Can be enabled.
Abaqus results support for HyperView
HyperView now supports reading and post-processing of Abaqus 2020 ODB result files.
Remove include file reference based on export status
HyperMesh only. When exporting a solver deck, references to any includes are always written to the master model even if the include itself is set to "Do Not Export."

Resolved Issues

  • An issue with importing *CONTACT INTERFERENCE without directional cosine value is resolved.
  • OGDEN hyperelastic material model with Alpha values incorrectly importing is resolved.
  • *PLASTIC material card with a comma did not recognize following data lines and the issue is fixed.
  • Issue of selecting surface interaction property for general contact in standard 3D profile is fixed.
  • Beam general section property would not get the section data from hyperbeam and the issue is resolved.
  • An issue with analytical rigid surface not getting point data for surface definition is fixed.
  • An issue with nested surface definition getting passed on to *COUPLING has been resolved.
  • An include file specified after *STEP moves out and the issue is fixed.
  • In beam general section definition if the *DAMPING is present, the subsequent keywords are missed out. The issue is resolved.
  • An issue with density value lost upon import due decimal values has been resolved.
  • An issue with formula set value changing from integer to decimal value for nodal thickness is fixed.
  • On T-sections the nodal thickness mapping was not accurate and the issue is resolved.


New Features

Autocompletion for Search
Facilitates autocompletion of search string by providing suggestions for Attributes, Operators and Values, as per the model data.
Embedded Entity Editor
Enables interaction with referenced attributes via the Entity Editor. Multiple levels of referenced attributes can now be edited or reviewed without needing to switch entity views.
Append Entity Attributes to Model Browser
You can now append entity attributes, including those which are referenced, for all entities as columns to facilitate fast and efficient review, editing, sorting and filtering.


Elements and Nodes Columns in Component View
Added “No. Elements” and “No. Nodes” columns in Component view of Model browser to facilitate quick review of Node and Element counts for Components.
Live Filtering on Modifying Values
Added "Live filtering" option in the Browser Configuration dialog to enable live filtering of entities when the values are modified with a filter applied.
Column Filtering
Column Filtering is now supported in Part browser.
Hotkey to Reverse an Entity Display State
Added “R” as a shortcut key to Reverse an entity display state, in browsers (HyperWorks only).
Option to Restore Default Columns in Choose Attribute Dialog
The “Default” option in the Choose Attribute dialog aides in the quick removal of previously added columns.
Support for Wildcard Search
Wildcard search is now supported. Users can search Starting With, Ending With and Containing names using the “*” character.
Support for Multiple Value Search
Added support search for multiple integer values like IDs via a coma (“,”) separator.
Support for In Range and Out of Range Search
In Range and Out of Range searches for integer values such as IDs is possible via equals (“=”) and does not equal (“!=”) operators.

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed performance issue while organizing entities into include files in Solver browser.
  • Fixed performance issue while typing in the search bar.
  • The Assembly Hierarchy can now be shown or hidden in the Model view of Model Browser.
  • The Auto-sort option setting is now saved in the HyperWorks setting file.

CAD Interface

New Features

A new FORAN reader is now available. It reads .stp files with corresponding decorated .xml files in the same directory. It includes support for geometry, model hierarchy, beam sections, and metadata.
STEP AP242 (import only)
STEP AP242 XML (BOM import only)


Updated Version Support
CATIA V5-6R2019
CATIA V6 2018X
Creo 6
Inspire 2019.3
JT 10.5 (import only, export remains at 10.2)
NX 1847 (native and third-party readers)
NX 1872 (native and third-party readers)
NX 1899 (native reader)
Rhino 6 (Windows only)
AVEVA Marine
Enhanced support for AVEVA idealized models.
Additional metadata import.
Generation of beam sections and solver-neutral properties and materials, with associated metadata.
Options to perform topology equivalence, extend, and imprint during import.
Geometry Import Tab
The Geometry Import tab in HyperMesh and HyperWorks Desktop now supports the ability to set the import options that were previously only available through the .ini files. There is a new “Import Options…” button that launches a dialog where all options can be reviewed and set. Setting the file type filter in the Geometry Import tab will show only that CAD format in the Import Options dialog. These options are also saved between sessions, with HyperMesh, HyperWorks Desktop and HyperWorks each having their own individual settings files.
Support is added to read JT PMI data for reference points. New free points are created and the PMI attributes are attached as metadata. This is controlled by the “Read PMI” checkbox in the Import GUI, and by the @ReadPMI option in the jt_reader.ini file, and is unrelated and unaffected by the @ImportFreePoints option.
When splitting components "by layer," the component name is now taken from the layer name if it exists, and the layer ID if it does not. This applies to ACIS, CATIA, CATIA V6, Creo, Inventor, NX third-party, Rhino, STEP and SolidWorks.
A new split components "by components" option is added for the JT reader to better support JT components within parts.
Support is now available for importing FE data from Inspire .stmod files.

Resolved Issues

  • Miscellaneous robustness and performance improvements.


New Features

Connector Morphing
This is used in HyperMesh only.
It is now possible to morph connectors defined on nodes, points, and lines using the morph volumes approach. Connectors can be automatically or manually registered to morph volumes, and will accurately morph along with the mesh after each morphing step.

Figure 1.

Figure 2.
Connector Organization
With the introduction of subsystems, all connectors are now organized into General Connectors or Subsystem Connectors depending on whether the connector links are within one subsystem (General Connectors) or across many (Subsystem Connectors). The realizations of the connectors will be organized into the correct subsystem, in the case of General Connectors, or into its own subsystem, in the case of Subsystem Connectors. If you are not using subsystems, everything will be classified as a General Connector.
Attachment Connectors
Attachment connectors are a single linked entity on a part that are designed to be used to manage subsystem to subsystem connections. A set of bolt connector realizations can use attachments as their links, and these bolt connectors can be created automatically by a proximity search of attachments. The attachment realization styles are a Rigid Spider or a Rigid Patch.
Bolt FE Absorb
Added support to absorb bolt connectors. The absorb function creates a new bolt connector for each cluster of elements identified. The newly created connector also holds all relevant information about links, tolerance, dimensions etc. Check box “With attachment Links” will absorb head elements as attachments and create bolt connector with those attachments as links.
New Realizations
Spring Clip: For LS-DYNA user profile a new bolt realization type Spring Clip has been added. This realization creates two RgdBody (CONSTRAINED_NODAL_RIGID_BODY) elements for the head and a Discrete (*ELEMNT_DISCRETE) element for the body. The head elements are connected to link nodes which needs to be connected by defining a cylinder. The RgdBody elements are also connected to Discrete element at the midpoint of the bolted connection.


Hexa Nugget Narrow Case Management
New options “Nugget narrow case” is added to hexa nugget connector which controls the edge treatment and HAZ element snapping to edge if the connector is close to edge. Below are different user control options:
  • Do Nothing: This option does not allow the HAZ nodes or edge nodes to be snapped.
  • Allow HAZ Nodes to Snap To Edge: This option allows HAZ nodes of hexa nugget connector to snap to free and feature edges.
  • Allow Edge to Snap to HAZ Layer: This option allows edge nodes of component to be snapped to HAZ nodes so that it avoids creation of elements which fails for minimum size.
  • Skip HAZ: This option skips creation of HAZ elements during connector realization.
Nugget Orientation
New option “Nugget orientation” is added to hexa nugget connector which controls orienting nugget and HAZ elements during realization. Below are different user control options:
  • Auto: The orientation of nugget element is auto decided based on the best element quality which can be achieved.
  • Parallel to Edge: The nugget elements are orientated in such a way that a hexa element edge is always parallel to free edge of connecting links.
  • Point to Edge: The hexa elements are orientated in such a way that a node of hexa element is always pointed to free edge of connecting links.
New option “Distance from feature edge” added to Autopitch tools which controls the creation of connectors close to feature edges.
Improved the performance and robustness of Autopitch tool.
Seam Partition
The seam partition option has been enhanced. Collinear angle and penetration factors such as width and length are considered for partitioning seam connectors.
Seam Test Point Alignment
New seam test point alignment option “Seam Consider Feature and Boundaries” is added to seam connectors. This is a local option set on individual connectors. Enabling the “Seam Consider Feature and Boundaries” option will adjust test points, so the projections fall on features/boundaries wherever possible. This will allow to honor features better and overhanging test points will be trimmed.
Seam Connector Force Nonnormal
New option added to seam connector behavior which forces the seam to find the correct projection in case of rib welding. If connecting ribs are in same component or part, Force Nonnormal option avoids projections to be snapped to close by ribs.
Bolt Connectors
LS-DYNA HC Cylinder Rigid Bolt realizations RgdBody elements are created instead of ConNode element.
LS-DYNA HC Cylinder spring Bolt realizations RgdBody elements are created instead of ConNode element for head and Beam element is created instead of Discrete element for body.
LS-DYNA HC Cylinder Rigid Bolt realization having one part as rigid material will create CONSTRAINED_EXTRA_NODES_SET instead of CONSTRAINED_NODAL_RIGID_BODY.
LS-DYNA HC Cylinder Rigid Bolt realization having both parts as rigid material will create one CONSTRAINED_RIGID_BODIES instead of CONSTRAINED_NODAL_RIGID_BODY.
Default option for Snapping to edge for edge L, Edge T and Edge B is set to No.
Consolidated connector browser right click context menu.

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed an issue associated with vertical weld element creation while realizing any seam quad realization if number of coats was greater than 1.
  • Fixed an issue of original material being not assigned to HAZ components in Radioss and LS-DYNA user profiles on realizing Seam-Quad LTB connectors with new comps for HAZ elements.
  • Fixed an issue with HAZ elements not remeshed on unrealizing connectors after FE Absorb and remove/add link.
  • Resolved issue associated with auto reorganize of connector groups by link if name exceeded 160 characters.
  • Performance improvement with hole detection tools while finding 3D holes.
  • Resolved issues with connector import performance if connector browser was open at the time of import.
  • Crash issues while realizing seam connector with imprint are resolved.
  • Resolved hexa nugget connector imprint and remesh issues.
  • Resolved hexa (adhesive) connector issues related to wrong links identified, twisted hexas and inconsistent realizations.
  • Resolved issue of saving a Part with a ConnectorGroup from Part Browser saves all the Geometry, Properties and Materials of other Parts to the connector representation.
  • Resolved issue with Autopitch tool where close by connectors are created.

Conversion between Solver Formats


Abaqus to OptiStruct Conversion
*Connector Cartesian with *Connector motion converted to OS JOINTG Cartesian and MOTNJG
*Dynamic NLGEOM=yes to Transient Nonlinear analysis
*ENDLOADCASE conversion supported
*CREEP Material converted to MATVP
*TIE 1D to OS Tie N2N
*Section print to OS Section
*SHELL SECTION COMPOSITE is used by layer solid elements converted to PCOMPLS
Axisymmetric elements converted CTAXI AND CQQUAXI mapped to PAXI property
Include Support for Conversion
If load step is in an include file with other entities it is moved to new include.
New include file name will be <Original include file name>_subcase.inp
The Include Type for the new Include file will be set to SUBCASE SECTION
LS-DYNA to Radioss
*LOAD_BODY converted to /GRAV
*MAT_COMPOSITE_DAMAGE/ MAT_022 converted to /MAT/LAW25. orthotropic directions is mapped to /PROP/PCOMPP, /STACK, and /PLY cards
*MAT_CABLE_DISCRETE_BEAM / LAW_071 converted to /SPRING, property /PROP/SPRING
*MAT_ORTHOTROPIC_ELASTIC / MAT_002 converted to /MAT/FABRI , orthtropic shell property (/PROP/SH_ORTH)
*MAT_FU_CHANG_FOAM converted to LAW90
*MAT_PLASTICITY_WITH_DAMAGE to LAW88 for rubber and LAW70 for foam
OptiStruct to Radioss
PBEAM and PBEAML converted to P3_BEAM
MAT1 Elastic material converted /MAT/MAT_PLAS
NSM converted to NSML1
RBE2 and RBE3 conversion to RBODY

Design Explorer

New Features

Ribbon-based Workflow
Organized by task, the design explorer ribbon guides you through the entire process of creating explorations; defining their inputs, responses, and goals; executing the explorations and monitoring their run status; and, finally, viewing and interpreting their results.

Figure 3.
Graphics-based User Experience
The design explorer leverages the model graphics, allowing for model-based selections while creating inputs and responses, providing intuitive exploration definition. Similarly, exploration results, like variable-response sensitivities and response contours, can be viewed directly on the model itself.

Figure 4.
Exploration Types
The design explorer allows you to create two different types of explorations: designs of experiments (DOE) and optimizations.
Designs of Experiment (DOE)
Designs of experiments can be used to gain insight into a design. A DOE will evaluate the design space by running simulations with inputs set at different values and measuring the corresponding responses. Individual results can be viewed, or they can be considered as a whole using a linear effects plot. Doing so gives an indication of which inputs most affect a given response. When a DOE is run, the design explorer automatically provides a fit approximation to the design space. This trade-off tool allows you to quickly see response predictions when input values are varied.
Optimizations are used when you have a specific goal in mind. For example, what is the lightest design (objective) for a given set of loading conditions, which maintains a maximum stress less than a given value (constraint).
Results Explorer
Each of the aforementioned exploration types generates results, which need to be viewed and interpreted. The results explorer provides an interface for presenting exploration results, in the form of various tables, plots, and charts to the user. It is also highly interactive, allowing for interrogation and interpretation of the results.

Figure 5.
Solver Independence
With the design explorer, explorations can be evaluated using either the OptiStruct or Radioss user profiles. All explorations are evaluated locally.


New Features

Store and recall custom views
The new Views tool enables you to save the current view of your model for future reference and recall saved views.
Updates to the Element Quality View
The Element Quality view now supports the Quality Index Range (QI Range) legend, in addition to the existing Criteria legend. The QI Range legend enables you to investigate the model with overall element quality categorized as Worst, Fail, Warn, Good and Ideal.
Solid Core Geometry on Plies
Solid geometry can now be used to define the shape of the ply. This geometry can be selected manually or come from external composite data. Upon ply realization, a drape table with thickness defined spatially is created for each ply with solid geometry.


Auto update of contact surfaces after remesh
This change will allow an auto update of contact surfaces when the underlying shell or solid elements are remeshed.
Nodes selection using loop option on a washer
You can now select one additional loop of nodes while creating rigids and rigidlinks on a washer.
Direct option to select entities while using custom export option for self-contained includes
New Select entities button allows you to go directly to the Entity State Browser while using custom export for self-contained includes.
Contactsurf entities replaced by set segment
The Contactsurf entity is no longer supported in HyperMesh 2020. All entities that used to refer to contactsurf are now found under the sets entity with the option Set Segment. All contactsurf entities present in older .hm files are automatically converted to segment sets. The migration is available for the following solvers: Radioss, OptiStruct, LS-DYNA, Nastran, Abaqus, and EXODUS.

Graphics and Visualization

New Color Selector and Full RGB Color Support
Updated the color selector to utilize the full RGB (24-bit) color spectrum. Click >> to display the custom color palette. This allows you to create custom colors that can be used in the color selector.
Figure 6.
Transitions of Graphics Views and Functions
Added support for visual graphic transitions from the model orientation view controls, delete, show/hide and isolate controls.
Transparent Highlight Selection Support
Transparent highlight selection support adds visual enhancements to allow users to better visualize the selected content while in a working session for elements, components, surfaces and solids. Transparent selection is off by default and can be turned on through the Preferences > Geom/Mesh Appearance > Other tab.
Figure 7.
Figure 8. Original Selection and Transparent Selection
Level of Detail Handling of Node Visualization
Level of Detail (LOD) handling of nodes allows for more accurate node representation with zoom levels and on models with complex and highly refined meshes.
Figure 9. Original Visualization of Nodes
Figure 10. New Level of Detail Visualization of Nodes

Resolved Issues

  • Element selection reset while performing translate after duplicating elements.
  • Vector created using two nodes not displaying correctly while rotating the mesh.
  • By group selection unable to find mid-side node.
  • Preserving proper transformation while using position panel.


New Features

Tube Midline
A new API for generating midlines for solid tube geometries has been added. This is useful for generating lines that can be used as support for seam connectors, or for simplifying 3D geometries to 1D.

New HyperWorks Boolean workflows for Combine, Subtract, Intersect, and Detach tools. The new Find functionality, along with the model tour, helps find intersecting solids. Easy-to-understand options and behaviors compared to the solid edit > boolean subpanel.

New HyperWorks Fillets workflow for the creation of surface fillets and constant radius line fillets, including new functionality to quickly add edge fillets at free surface edges.
Shapes and Lines

New HyperWorks Polylines tool allows for location picking as input and does not require temporary nodes. This new workflow provides a preview of the polylines being created for easy visualization. Users can easily switch between standard and smooth lines. The ability to combine lines has also been added. The existing Circle and Rectangle/Square line and surface tools have been separated and rebranded as Shapes.



Enhanced the Solids tool to improve the overall workflow. Solids can now be created by:
  • Defining a plane that defines the base surface (Box, Cylinder)
  • Free drawing (Box, Cylinder, Sphere)
  • Fitting a solid (Box, Cylinder, Sphere) to selected entities

Modified the Split tool to separate the workflows based on different tool types (Nodes, Lines, Surfaces, Plane) and methods (Interactive, Parametric) for easier understanding. The Interactive workflow allows users to quickly add/remove fixed points and trim lines via graphical interaction.
All geometry APIs, panels and HyperWorks workflows are supported for undo/redo.

Resolved Issues

  • Edge selection does not work while spherical clipping is on.
  • Updating the pressure direction changes the magnitude of the pressure.


  • The project > to surface subpanel now supports projecting to multiple surfaces.

  • Added a new "Generate plates only" option for the HyperWorks Midsurface > Automatic tool. If enabled, this will generate the plate information only without extracting the midsurface. This is useful when it is known ahead of time that a lot of plate editing will need to be done.

  • Added a new "Select Opposite" RMB option for the HyperWorks Midsurface > Automatic and Midsurface > Edit Plates tools. This allows for easy selection of opposite surface pairs.

  • Added support for nodes as input in the HyperWorks Drag tool.
  • Added support for nodes as targets for surfaces in the HyperWorks Imprint tool.


New Features

Locked/Unlocked Views
Use view locks to change the scope of display operations (hide, show all, reverse, and so on) from global to local.View locks can be accessed from the View Controls toolbar or the right-click menu.
Morph Shape Animation
Animating Morph Shapes is now available inside the Shapes tool via the right-click menu, or the new Animate shapes toolbar button when selecting any number of Shapes. A new animation control toolbar allows playback control, as well as animation and contouring options.
Quick Advancement Selection
New convenient access to select elements by faces and edges, nodes by path, or lines by path by holding the Alt key during any selection of these types. This new quick advanced selection method supports both appending and deselecting. And in the case of elements by faces and edges, it is now possible to quickly change the feature angle value by using Alt + Scroll (mouse wheel). These new controls are turned on by default, and are configurable in the Mouse Controls section of the Preferences dialog.

Figure 11.


Move Tool Enhancements
Improved transparency of arrows and rotators when selected, model fade effect during repositioning (using Shift or double click), and direction identification by adding X, Y, Z labels to the corresponding arrows.
Free Morphing Enhancements
When morphing to a target mesh or geometry, it is now possible to define a custom projection direction by selecting the Along Vector option in the microdialog, and using the provided interactive Vector Tool.

Figure 12.
When morphing to a target mesh using an offset value, it is now possible to lock the offset direction to a single side of the mesh, regardless of shortest proximity. This avoids source meshes “flipping” to opposite sides of a target mesh during certain complex morph operations. If target mesh normals are not consistent, the new Autofix Target Normals button in the microdialog can be used to correct them on the fly while morphing.

Figure 13. Before and After
Mesh Node Snapping Control
A new control has been added to the Snap Options dialog to turn mesh nodes snaps on or off.

Figure 14.
By Path Selection Preview for Nodes, Elements, and Lines
A new Preview option has been added to By Path advanced selection method for nodes, elements and lines. Turning this on will show a path preview while hovering the mouse over selectable entities. This option is also honored when selecting By Path using the newly added Alt keyboard modifier.

Figure 15.
Context Menu
The graphical context menu was overhauled and has support for more entity types as well as new options. Display controls that were previously only available inside idle mode are now available inside new tools. The quick exit checkmark has been redesigned so it is more difficult to accidentally trigger.

Figure 16.
Context Menu Advanced Selection
All available advanced selection methods for any entity are now available directly in the right-click menu. The default advanced selection shortcut (Space) remains unchanged.

Figure 17.
The new organize tool replaces the panel. It allows users to organize entities into their respective collectors, includes, and parts.

Figure 18.
There is a new default Gray color theme in 2020. Users can now also choose their graphical selection color via Preferences > Appearance > Selection color.
Redesigned Coincident Picking Selection
Coincident picking is now presented in a clearer list presentation that gives the user information like name, color, ID, type. Additionally, improvements to coincident selection graphics synchronization, tooltip feedback, and large model performance are available.

Figure 19.
Remove non exported references
When exporting a solver deck, references to any includes are always written to the master model even if the include itself is set to "Do Not Export."
Show selection indicators inside scrollbar
The position of selected entities in the browser after selecting them graphically is indicated by a blue marker inside the scroll bar.

Figure 20.
File menu redesign
A check mark is added to show the current solver interface when switching.

Figure 21.

Known Issues

Model Browser on Linux
Double-clicking on a folder in the Model Browser to change views will not work initially. Undocking and redocking the browser will fix the issue, as long as the browser is redocked by dragging and not by double-clicking on the undocked browser’s title bar.

LS-DYNA Interface

New Features

New Keywords
New keywords for LS-DYNA solver have been added in the following keywords groups: *CONTROL_IMPLICIT, *DATABASE, *DEFINE_FRICTION, *SET_SEGMENT
New Friction Entity and Update in Contact Keywords
*DEFINE_FRICTION_{OPTION} keywords are now supported in a dedicated entity and moved out from the Property entity type. Also, the assignment of the friction entity is enabled in the LS-DYNA contact keywords, with a new option in the entity editor.
Solver Fields Names Export
Only for LS-DYNA R11.1 solver profile, a new export option “Solver Fields Names” in export panel is added. This option is activated per default and enables to export all LS-DYNA keywords with the corresponding solver field names, which enhances the readability of the exported solver decks.


Updated Keywords
Existing keywords from keywords groups *CONTACT, *CONTROL, *DATABASE, *MAT_ADD, have been updated regarding latest LS-DYNA solver version.
Duplicate parameter names are maintained, renaming the parameter name with suffix "_1" instead of ".1". Enabled curve ID parametrization in *CONTROL_IMPLICIT_EIGENVALUE.
Model Checker
Some improvements have been made in the LS-DYNA Model Checker: performances, checks coverage and new icons to start the model checker and perform all automatic corrections.
Penetration Tool
Added new "Minimum penetration depth" option to filter out penetrations having minimum depth values.
Added new entity type selection "Elements" to perform penetration and intersection checks on selected elements.
Added new view control, "Display Only Failed and Adjacent Elements," to show neighboring entities.
The algorithm for penetrations check on component selection in case shell mesh size is smaller than component thickness has been improved to avoid reporting non-physical penetrations.
Seatbelt System Tool
A new feature in the Seatbelt System tool, allows to automatically generate cross-sections on the belt segments for post-processing of the loads in the belt after the simulation.
Pre-Simulation Tools
The update of the crash models after dummy or seat pre-simulation, by reading of the dynain file written in LS-DYNA Long format or i10 format is now enabled.

Resolved Issues

  • Correction of SSTYP and MSTYP value when SSID or MSID is of type *SET_SEGMENT_GENERAL
  • Removed redundant import warning message coming after reading MAT_077_H & MAT_077_O
  • In the Penetration Check Tool, the penetration fix option “Fix penetrations (include pairs with shared nodes, if any),” accessible from the contact pairs context menu, is functional.
  • Issue fixed during deletion of Positions from the Dummy Browser
  • The algorithm for penetrations check on components selection in case the shell mesh size is smaller than the component thickness has been improved to avoid to report non-physical penetrations.
  • *DEFINE_FUNCTION was not selectable for *LOAD keywords. This is now fixed.
  • NSM attribute in *SECTION_BEAM is now considered in the mass calculation only for ELFORM value between 1 and 5.
  • Importing a LS-DYNA model when ID=0 into loads or boundary conditions keywords was not possible. This behavior is fixed and next available ID will be automatically assigned.
  • Export of *PARAMETER keywords order has been improved to avoid exporting parameters after the parameter expression they are referencing.

Marc Interface

New Features

New Marc 2017 Version Supported
Input decks of Marc 2017 version are supported. The legacy decks are all mapped to latest version on export.
New Keywords
New keywords MAT_GASKET,facemt/face supported.

Resolved Issues

  • CONTACT BODY import and export issues fixed.

Model Build and Assembly

Model Build

New Features

Upload to PDM from Part Browser
A new interactive workflow facilitates the direct upload of the HyperMesh BOM to Teamcenter.


General Performance Enhancements
Part Assembly and Part representation performance has been significantly improved for operations such as Save and Load.
Instance Creation
Part Instance creation on the import of PLMXML files is enhanced to support non-standard modelling practices in PDM.
The export of complete PLMXML BOM files is now supported.
Representation Creation
The creation of new Part representations is skipped if representations are available in the HyperMesh session. The Quality Report has been enhanced for the Common representation.

Resolved Issues

  • Invoking the Criteria and Parameter Editor from the User Representation dialog resulted in an application error.
  • HyperMesh Materials were not created upon generation of the Common representation if the PDM MID was not specified.
Model Assembly

New Features

Subsystem Browser
A new system level model assembly workflow is available in HyperMesh via the Subsystem browser, which offers full support for representation, revision and configuration management.
Subsystems can be created from a wide variety of HyperMesh entities such as Components, Loads or Include files. Intelligent organize preferences can be enabled to allow referenced entities such as Nodes, Elements and Materials to be automatically organized into Subsystems.
Self-contained entities such as Nodes and Element can now be edited and reviewed in the Entity Editor, and non self-contained entities can be reviewed.


Loading from the Library
Loading materials by name is now supported.
Undefined Material Handling
Saving an undefined material to the Library is no longer supported.
Entity Management
Entity Management of materials now supports names and IDs.

Resolved Issues

  • Modified material density values were incorrectly shown in the Load from Library dialog.
  • Material density was incorrect in the History tab of the Load from Library dialog.
  • LS-DYNA materials color comments were not read on Load from Library operations.

Model Verification


New Features
“Quick Compare” parameter is added to quickly check FEvsFE and review comparison results on HyperWorks graphics window. Match% are displayed in the graphics with legend where user can change color, scroll the slider to filter parts.
Sub Folder creation for variant model is not required for CAD vs CAD comparison.
PowerPoint Report template`s aspect ratio is changed to use 16:9.
Overlapping H3d objects on applying filters to columns is removed, now with Excel report rows can be sorted without collapsing the images.
If comparison ran for the second time without deleting FE scratch files from the first run, error message is displayed to so that user can delete the files and run the comparison.
Comparison report displays the full model image along with the thumbnail images.
Resolved Issues
Background and Interactive mode results were mismatching.
FE Files option was not working in Batch mode.
Report thumbnail slides order was not following match% descending order.
Material names were not displayed in comparison browser for Nastran data.
Renumbering for variant model is not working if the renumbering rule was used.
Unmatched entities are not found on FCA model.


Spider pattern spring/1d elements are excluded in Spot Comparison check.
Mixed Import option is improved to exclude files that has zero parts and read rest of the files in the same CPU.
Intersection Check “allComp” or “sub-system” logic will be switched if clearance zone value is greater than zero.
Part Instances are filtered in the Intersection check if #parts are more than 300.
Saving result hm file after Spot weld check is completed.
Fe attach option is ON while Mixed import option is executed.
Support Bar2 elements in Spot Comparison.
AP242 Step XML format is supported.
Resolved Issues
Assembly Name is missing in Intersection PPT file name if the “assembly-level” is set from config file.
Mesh collapse due to ID conflict and multiple CPUs.
Thickness is not calculated due to multiple MatVec lines exist in the Offset function.
CATIA license error is displayed while using CATIA Part or CatProduct files.

Nastran Interface

New Features

Element Addition
Element type CQUADX4, CQUADX8, CTRAX3, CTRAX6 in Nastran NX profile
New Material
Material type MAT3 added in Nastran NX profile


New Load Entities
OptiStruct loads (SPC, FORCE, PLOAD,….) are migrated to new HyperMesh entities. Along with this implementation, user can now create loads from solver browser and edit loads from entity editor. Some of the advantages with new load management are below:
  • Consolidation of loads by common attributes. For example, SID, Magnitude, etc.
  • Interrogation of loads are much powerful. For example, Review, Vector plot, Contour.
  • Advanced load option support:
    • Apply pressure on nodes
    • Apply traction on axisymmetric elements
    • Apply pressure on 1D elements based on element orientation
  • Solver Browser performance enhancements to handle large number of loads
New Set Segment Entity
Contact Surfaces entity is now migrated to the Set Segment entity. With this migration, the SURF/ELIST cards is now directly listed in the set segment entity.
Remove include file reference based on export status
HyperMesh only. When exporting a solver deck, references to any includes are always written to the master model even if the include itself is set to "Do Not Export."

Resolved Issues

  • HM freezes while importing a bdf with more than one Super Element
  • Incorrect Element System Visualization in Orientation Review
  • Incomplete SUPORT card export while creating gaps from linear gaps tool in Aero profile
  • Leading spaces in Case Control Section results in UNSUPPORTED cards on import

OptiStruct Interface

New Features

OptiStruct solver feature enhancements
This release includes critical enhancements from OptiStruct solver features released in 2019.1, 2019.2, 2020
Explicit Dynamics Solution
OptiStruct now supports Explicit Dynamics Solution. HyperMesh interface support includes OptiStruct Explicit Dynamics Solution. New HyperMesh entity Hourglass added to support HOURGLS card. This entity can be referenced in PSOLID/PLSOLID properties. Explicit time step TSTEPE add as load collector and this is referred in subcase selection TSTEPE in analysis type Explicit.
Arbitrary beam section HYPERBEAM
User can create arbitrary beam sections(Shell/Solid sections) from HYPERBEAM and assign to PBEAML/PBARL. Once assigned these beam sections will be exported as OptiStruct arbitrary beam section format.
VABS Input generation
HyperMesh can now generate input for VABS (Altair partner product). This is supported in OptiStruct Aero profile, Under Beams from lines tool.
Cohesive modeling
Cohesive elements can be modeled with penta first/second order (CIFPEN, CIFPEN) or hexa first/second order (CIFHEX, CIFHEX) solid elements. Corresponding cohesive material and property are supported as well. Cohesive modeling with damage is supported as new entity called ‘DAMAGE’ which supports damage initiation and damage evolution.
Edge to Edge contact for solids
Keyword “PSURF” is added as continuation line in CONTACT bulk data. PSURF continuation line will reference PSURF bulk data ids.


Compute inertia and mass properties using OptiStruct
Added new option in Tools pull down under Mass details to calculate mass properties from OptiStruct solver. You need to have solver executables installed to access this feature. The required information will be available from .hmcheck ascii file which is parsed by HyperMesh and showed in Mass details summary.
Migration of TABLEx cards to Curve entity
All the TABLEx cards are now mapped to curve entity. You can visualize multiple curves through curve editor. Additionally, you can import curve data from external files and export to .csv format as well.
Symbolic Substitution
Symbolic substitution provides flexibility to modify the input file to use parameterized input to define various data fields across the model. Currently, only real-valued data fields of entries in the bulk data section are supported for parameterization using symbolic substitution. Parameter entity is used to parameterize real value fields in Property and Material cards. Refer to the OptiStruct documentation for more details.
Fatigue Analysis
Fatigue process manager template enhanced with the following features:
  • Allow to update SN, spot & seam weld material properties into the same material
  • Plot SN Curve function should be updated for spot & seam weld types
  • Revamp UI for defining fatigue mat & prop data
  • Add support for all weld types when creating FATSEAM card
  • Support XGSET & XGRID attributes for FATDEF card
Modal Results Output
New entity ‘Modal results output’ added to support MODOUT solver card
The IMPERF Bulk Data and Subcase Entries can be used to apply an imperfection. An imperfection can be introduced into the model in the following ways:
  • TYPE=H3DRES on IMPERF Bulk Data: An h3d file is referenced which contains previously completed analysis results.
  • TYPE=GRID on IMPERF Bulk Data: The perturbation of grids can be directly applied.
Node to node contact
New Contact discretization type, Node to Node (N2N), is now supported. Slave/master of CONTACT Bulk Entry should be grid set.
Results output during job runtime for Nonlinear Analysis
With the presence of NLOUT Bulk/Subcase Entry, PARAM,IMPLOUT,YES/NO will allow you to turn on or off the output of results output during the job run time for nonlinear analysis.
OSSMOOTH Enhancements
OSSMOOTH enhanced to export geometries in JT format.
New Load Entities
OptiStruct loads (SPC, FORCE, PLOAD, etc.) are migrated to new HyperMesh entities. Along with this implementation, you can now create loads from solver browser and edit loads from entity editor. Some of the advantages with new load management are below:
  • Consolidation of loads by common attributes. For example, SID, Magnitude, etc.
  • Interrogation of loads are much powerful. For example, Review, Vector plot, Contour.
  • Advanced load option support
    • Apply pressure on Nodes
    • Apply Traction on axisymmetric elements
    • Apply pressure on 1D elements based on element orientation
  • Honoring solver recommendation. For example, Load on set.
  • Solver Browser performance enhancements to handle large number of loads.
New Set Segment Entity
Contact Surfaces entity is now migrated to the Set Segment entity. With this migration, the SURF/ELIST cards is now directly listed in the set segment entity.
Updated Keywords – PARAM card
PARAM,IMPLOUT allows an _impl.h3d to be available while the job is running.
This parameter limits the applicability of PARAM,PBUSHTF to PBUSH properties which:
  • Do not have corresponding PBUSHT entries, and
  • With PBUSH nominal values falling between the TRACAP/ROTCAP and TRACUT/ROTCUT values
PARAM, DISPFIC, YES/NO/ALLONLY, is added to control the output of fictitious grids for displacement output.
Remove include file reference based on export status
HyperMesh only. When exporting a solver deck, references to any includes are always written to the master model even if the include itself is set to "Do Not Export."

Resolved Issues

  • HyperMesh freezes while importing a bdf with more than one Super Element.
  • When you add a barrier mesh component in the free shape variable, the BMESH flag isn't exported
  • Segmentation error while using Ossmooth feature in FEA reanalysis with remesh option.
  • Fails to import input file with long user comments written from competitor preprocessor.
  • Neuber correction was missing in region identifier options in Entity Editor for static stress response.
  • Segmentation error while running OSSMOOTH to get STEP geometry.

PAM-CRASH 2G Interface

New Features

New PAM-CRASH 2G 2019 Solver Version
PAM-CRASH 2G 2019 solver profile is introduced.
New Entity for Seat Belt Keywords
Enhancement offered for the support of the PAM-CRASH 2G keywords RETRA / & SLIPR /.
The keywords were originally mapped to HyperMesh entity type element mass. Now HyperMesh treats them as independent entities, each with unique ID, icon and new graphic representation. However, the entity BELTS / is still available as element mass.
Among the major benefits now no ID conflicts or renumbering upon import. Old HyperMesh files are mapped directly to this new entity without data loss. The newly added entities are no longer supported using the HyperMesh panel and Utility browser. They can only be edited in the Entity Editor. Creation of the entity can be achieved using context menu in the browser or through search tool (CTRL+F).
Undefined Parameters
Parameters PYVAR and PYFUNC referenced into keyword fields, but not defined in the input deck will be managed by the automatic creation of undefined parameters to retain references in the input deck.
New Keywords
New keywords DMPEW, MACTRL, REQUIRE_PRECISION, REQUIRE_VERSION, SELOUT and sub keyword OGRP have been added.


Updated Keywords
Updated keywords ANALYSIS, UNIT, CNTAC Type 44, MATER (2018). Enabled direct creation of GROUP (set of set) keyword and extended listing of SENSOR and SECURE keywords from Solver Browser, Create Cards from Tools menu & Quick Search Tool (CTRL+F).
Support of nodal XYZ Coordinates parameterization for import and export. However, no edit or listing in browser. IDNOD field parameterization not yet supported.
Improved import warning messages of parameterization keywords PYVAR and PYFUNC.
Penetration Tool
Added new "Minimum penetration depth" option to filter out penetrations having minimum depth values.
Added new entity type selection "Elements" to perform penetration and intersection checks on selected elements.
Added new view control, "Display Only Failed and Adjacent Elements," to show neighboring entities.
The algorithm for penetrations check on component selection in case shell mesh size is smaller than component thickness has been improved to avoid reporting non-physical penetrations.
Model Checker
Added new checks into model checker for the model validation.
Seatbelt Browser
Added provision in seatbelt browser which enables quick creation of RETRA, SLIPR and SECFO on seatbelt segment.
Removed Tools and Features
Removed tool “Org: By Plink Part” of “Connector organize” from page “Conn” under utility menu.
The legacy PAM-CRASH folder is removed from installation root directory, this was obsolete as PAM-CRASH 2G is maintained. Removed older summary templates from installation root directory, utility tools points to new templates.

Resolved Issues

  • PART_TIED referred in TIED contact are excluded from empty check.
  • Removed unnecessary import warning messages with keywords PYVAR, PYFUNC, CNTAC types 36, 37, 46 and RBODY.
  • The legacy format TETRA elements converted to new format TETR10 upon import.
  • It is possible to import the long file name (<256 character including "INCLU / " keyword) as Include file name or path on same line.

Permas Interface

New Features

AutoContact Support
The following contact cards can be created automatically based on the selected slave and master:

Radioss Interface

New Features

Support of Radioss 2020 Version
New Keywords
New keywords from Radioss solver version 2019.2 and version 2020 for /ANIM, /FAIL and /MAT keyword groups have been added.
Support of Undefined Parameters
Parameters which are referenced in a Radioss keyword but not defined in the input deck are maintained in the HyperMesh session and represented as undefined.
New Friction Entity
The new Friction entity is used to support the Radioss keyword /FRICTION which allows to define a specific friction model between parts or set of parts in contacts.
New Loads Entities
All Radioss loads (/BCS, /GRAV, /INIVEL, /IMPVEL,….) are migrated to new HyperMesh entities, having their own Pool-IDs which avoids ID conflicts and automatic renumbering during Radioss model import process. The new loads entities have a dedicated vector or contour display. Along with this implementation, the Radioss BCs Manager has been removed.
New Set Segment Entity
The old Contact Surfaces entity is now migrated to the Set Segment entity. With this migration, the /SURF/SEG Radioss keywords are now directly listed in the surface SET selection, with all other /SURF types.


Updated Keywords
Existing keywords from keywords groups /ALE, /MAT, /PROP and /RBODY have been updated regarding Radioss solver version 2019.2 and version 2020.
Export of Keywords with Solver Field Names
As part of a new development for the support of the solver keywords, all Radioss Material cards are now exported properly with all solver field names.
Model Checker
Some improvements have been made in the Radioss Model Checker: performances, checks coverage and new icons to start the model checker and perform all automatic corrections.
Penetration Tool
Added new "Minimum penetration depth" option to filter out penetrations having minimum depth values.
Added new entity type selection "Elements" to perform penetration and intersection checks on selected elements.
Added new view control, "Display Only Failed and Adjacent Elements," to show neighboring entities.
The algorithm for penetrations check on component selection in case shell mesh size is smaller than component thickness has been improved to avoid reporting non-physical penetrations.
Seatbelt System Tool
A new feature in the Seatbelt System tool, allows to automatically generate cross-sections on the belt segments for post-processing of belt loading.
Dummy Browser
The dummy positioning tool supports now Radioss dummy models with /PROP/KJOINT2 joints definition.
Remove include file reference based on export status
HyperMesh only. When exporting a solver deck, references to any includes are always written to the master model even if the include itself is set to "Do Not Export."
Mass Calculation
The entity state of the Solvermass entity is now considered for the mass calculation. When it is OFF, the lumped mass added by the corresponding /ADMAS keyword is ignored.

Resolved Issues

  • During model import process, the wrong Warning message referencing to the Engine file is now corrected.
  • Issue fixed during deletion of Positions from the Dummy Browser.
  • Some invalid checks in the model checker have been removed.
  • Import warning for engine file not found has been corrected in order to appear only when it is valid.

Solid Meshing

New Features

Multiple normal for boundary layer
A new implementation for generating boundary layers with multiple normal. There is no limit on angle and you can select the nodes or lines on which to generate boundary layer. It is defined based on feature angle, and will auto append selection if required. You can also define sweep angle for multiple normal.
Solid map mesh controls
New mesh controls are added for solid map. Along with Tetra or boundary layer + tetra, you can create solid map mesh controls. This will enable you to generate hybrid hexas and tetra mesh. Also enables you to define different controls for different solids and execute meshing in one go.
Element connection APIs
New *solidrc APIs are added to connect overlapping and intersection components. Useful multi-threaded APIs to connect overlapping and intersecting parts.


Boundary layer side and volume meshing order
A new option added in local boundary layer mesh control to select the side of interface surface on which boundary layer is required to grow. If a surface is shared by 2 volumes, you can define on which side boundary layers are required. For multiple volume meshing cases, new logic is added to automatically choose the order of volume to be meshed to have maximum boundary layer coverage.
Thin solid
Thin solid functionality is improved to handle parts with tiny slots. Robustness improved in general. A new option added to automatically fix quality of generated hex. This will create valid high quality hex mesh for thin solids.
All solid meshing capabilities such as tetrameshing, boundary layer meshing, solid map, etc., have undo/redo support.
Minimum height input in tetra meshing
Now you can define constraint for minimum height for tetra meshing. For Delaunay mesher type, if minimum height is defined, algorithm attempts to enforce the minimum height during meshing.
Support of quad element input for hex dominant meshing.
Metadata based region support for volume mesh controls.
Maximum size support for tetra remesh. You do not need to create refinement box.