Mesh2Geom ()
Convert mesh to discrete geometry.
Mesh2Geom( )
Return Value
Mesh2Geom( )
View new features for AcuSolve 2020.1.
AcuSolve is a leading general purpose CFD solver that is capable of solving the most demanding industrial and scientific applications.
Discover AcuSolve functionality with interactive tutorials.
Introduction of background knowledge regarding flow physics and CFD as well as detailed information about the use of AcuSolve and what specific options do.
Collection of AcuSolve simulation cases for which results are compared against analytical or experimental results to demonstrate the accuracy of AcuSolve results.
AcuSolve command descriptions and corresponding examples.
AcuSolve utility programs covering preparatory and post-processing as well as user-defined functions and utility scripts.
Customization of AcuSolve allowing you to customize certain capabilities of the solver.
Instruction of the mesh generation capability in AcuConsole, a GUI based pre-processor for AcuSolve.
Customization of AcuConsole allowing you to improve your particular workflow.
AcuConsole has three main windows including the Data Tree, panel and the visualization window.
Any number of custom user panels may be written. For each user panel, a tree item must be created. These are referred to as leave node tree items.
Each user panel must have an open function, containing the menu definitions, and a call to TreeItem(), to place an item on the Data Tree and hook it up to the panel function. In addition, it may contain any number of supporting functions and operations, including data initialization.
The custom user panels may access and update any parameter in the database.
The following is an example of a simple user panel for simplifying a StaticMixer specification. For clarity, help arguments are omitted.
There are general functions written for each panel command to set the command's parameters to their default values and put the valid values in the database according to the defined path.
Add new variable through customized code.
Convert CAD to discrete geometry.
Close the data base.
Delete geometry.
Delete mesh.
Set the options for edge "Display."
Executes an extra function defined by you.
Store all application settings, release resources, and finally close the application.
Return the geom_flag, mesh_flag and result_flag flags and current problem mode.
Run a panel file which is given as arguments to this function.
Convert mesh to discrete geometry.
Create and open a new data base.
Open an existing data base.
Highlight the mesh connectivity represented by item.
Highlight a mesh edge.
Highlight a mesh Pbc.
Highlight the mesh surface represented by item.
Show different mesh zones for an item.
Set the options for surface display.
Get a set of surface layout information.
Set the options for volume display.
Get a set of volume layout information.
Set the new items (model childs) color when the color scheme is set to Feature.
AcuDialog is a Python module that provides a dialog with different types of menus on it.
Commands of AcuTrace, a particle tracer that runs as a post-processor to or a co-processor with AcuSolve.
Instructions to define additional solution quantities of AcuTrace called user equations.
Usage of AcuFieldView, an OEM version of Intelligent Light’s FieldView post-processing software.
Instruction of the AcuReport tool, a standalone post-processor batch tool used to generate a report from an AcuSolve solution database.
Customization of AcuConsole allowing you to improve your particular workflow.
Convert mesh to discrete geometry.
Convert mesh to discrete geometry.
Mesh2Geom( )
Mesh2Geom( )
(c) 2020. Altair Engineering Inc. All Rights Reserved.