Introduction of background knowledge regarding flow physics and CFD as well as detailed information about the use of AcuSolve and what specific options do.
Collection of AcuSolve simulation cases for which results are compared against analytical or experimental results to demonstrate the accuracy
of AcuSolve results.
Parameter types of integer, real, and array may be any valid arithmetic expression. Valid expressions consist of the
operators +, -, *, /, ^ (for power), parentheses, a set of built-in functions and a set of built-in or user-assigned
variables, specified by the ASSIGN command.
In the rest of this manual the commands are grouped into general categories and placed into chapters. In order to
make a particular command functionality easier to find, an alternative categorization is presented. Each command may
appear in more than one category.
Specifies the morph shapes and associated design optimization variables.
AcuSolve Command
NODAL_SHAPES (“name”) {parameters}
This command has no qualifier.
mesh_motion_precedence(integer) >=0 <=3 [=1]
Mesh motion precedence.
design_variables(list) [={}]
User given name of the design optimization variable.
nodal_morphs(file) [=Read("unknown")]
User provided nodal morphs shapes. The nodal morph shapes are always read a
file, where the nodal displacement data is given for the coordinate
directions x, y and z.
The shape mesh displacement may be defined using the NODAL_SHAPES
command where the nodal shape file contains the displacements of all three
coordinate directions for each design optimization variable. The shape file, such as
shapes.xyzsp, has a simple file structure where the first
column is the node identification number, and the remaining columns are the
displacements corresponding to this node for all design optimization variables. For
example, if there are 10 design optimization variables, the file
shapes.xyzsp has 11 columns, one node column and an
x-displacement for each of the 10 design optimization variables. There is one row
for each node in the shape; assume there are N rows. The y-displacements and
z-displacements are also listed concatenated to the bottom of the file. For
example: Figure 1.
Where the subscripts for each , and are associated with the nodal identification number and the superscript is associated with the shape, or
more precisely the design optimization