Platform Support

Platforms, operating systems, and processors supported by Altair HyperWorks 2020.1. This includes 2020.1 solver packages.

Platforms HyperWorks 2020.1
OS Version Architecture GUI Products Solvers
Windows 7/10 x86_64 YES YES
Linux RHEL / CentOS 7.4


x86_64 YES YES
  • Windows Ultra High Definition (UHD/HiDPI) support requires Windows 10 Update 1709 or higher
  • RHEL= Red Hat Enterprise Linux
  • SLES = SUSE Linux Enterprise Server
Compiler Support
  • Windows: Visual Studio VS 2019 v16.1.3
  • Linux: GCC 8.3.1
HyperWorks may install and run on other non-supported Linux distributions not mentioned or referred to in this documentation, but Altair does not test, certify, verify or warrant the reliability of the products on these platforms.
  • Altair™ products are tested on Gnome Desktop Manager (GDM)
  • Xen kernels are currently not supported kernels for Altair HyperWorks
  • VirtualGL and other third-party remote visualization tools are not officially supported by Altair HyperWorks
Ultra High Definition (UHD)
  • UHD resolution support (2160p) is only available for Windows 10 (1709 or higher).
    • Using Windows 200% scaling for 2160p is recommended.
  • Windows 7 is not officially supported under UHD settings. We recommend resolutions of 1080p for FHD and 2160p for UHD displays. Some JAVA based tools within HyperWorks may still show issues on UHD displays.