Register and Connect Libraries

Register and connect to new libraries.

A default subsystem library is generated when the Subsystem Browser is enabled. It is located at <user home>\AltairLibraries\2020.

  1. In the Subsystem Browser, right-click and select Library > Libraries from the context menu.
    The Libraries dialog opens.
  2. Register a new library:
    1. Click +.
    2. Select the library type. This can be either local or shared. Refer to Connect to Shared Library.
    3. Type the library name and library path. The location should be on a drive accessible by all users as well as the hosting machine. It does not have to be on the same machine as that with Postgres installed.
    4. Click Add.
  3. Connect to local library:
    1. Select a disconnected library.
    2. Click Connect. If you are currently connected to a different library, you will be disconnected from it.
  4. Connect to the <postgres library>. Refer to Connect to Shared Library.