14.0.110 API Programmer's Guide
New Commands
- Connectors
- General/Core
- Meshing
- Modules/Parts
- Morphing
- *morphconstraintcreatedof
- *morphconstraintupdatedof
- *morphcreateline
- *morphmapedgestoequationoffset
- *morphmapedgestolineoffset
- *morphmapedgestonodesoffset
- *morphmapedgestoplaneoffset
- *morphmapedgestosurfaceoffset
- *morphmapedgestotacitoffset
- *morphmaptoequationvecoffset
- *morphmaptolinenodesoffset
- *morphmaptolinevecoffset
- *morphmaptonodesnodesoffset
- *morphmaptonodesvecoffset
- *morphmaptoplanevecoffset
- *morphmaptosurfacevecoffset
- *morphmaptotacitvecoffset
- *morphnodesequaoffset
- *morphnodeslineoffset
- *morphnodesmeshoffset
- *morphnodesnodesoffset
- *morphnodesplaneoffset
- *morphnodessurfoffset
- *morphnodesvectoroffset
- Optimization
- *freesizeupdatetapeattribute
- *latparmupdatebucksfparameter
- *latparmupdatemaxradparameter
- Template Commands
- Template Functions
Modified Commands
- Connectors
- hm_ce_alldetailsget/hm_ce_checklinkentities/hm_ce_close_mcf/hm_ce_getlinkentityinfo/hm_ce_numlinkentities/hm_ce_read_mcf/hm_ce_type/*CE_ConnectorCreate/*CE_ConnectorCreateByList/*CE_ConnectorCreateByListAndRealizeWithDetails/*CE_ConnectorCreateByMark/*CE_DetailSetString/*CE_DetailSetStringByMark/*CE_FE_Register/*CE_FE_RegisterAdvanced/*CE_FE_SetCommonDetails/*CE_FE_SetDetails/*CE_FE_SetDetailsAndRealize/*CE_FE_SetSpecificDetail/*CE_GlobalSetInt/*CE_MarkUpdateLink/*CE_ProjectionCheck/*CE_Unrealize/*CE_UpdateLink - Documentation has been updated for each of these commands to correspond to their current support. Such support and behaviors have been released in various previous versions.
- Data names
- components - Added new data names distributedmass, engineeringmass, lumpedmass, rigidbodymass, solverpartmass and transferredmass, which are valid for LS-DYNA.
- includefiles - Added new data name typesundersubmodel. Updated behavior of typesofindividualidranges.
- General/Core
- *writeh3dwithoptions - Support for export of comparison tool CAD and FE results (hm_comparesetreview 1) now supported when results=1 is set.
- hm_framework - Added new optional arguments for the addtab functionality (?create_proc? ?cleanup_proc? ?enable_tearoff? ?manage?) and removetab functionality (?force? ?keep_tab?).
- HyperBeam
- *beamsectionsetdatastandard - Added support for Samcef.
- Meshing
- w*findflangesinit - Replaced the previous flag argument with consider_closed_shell_solids.
- *findflangesproximityshell - Replaced the previous reserved1 argument with create_points_in_middle.
- Morphing
- *morphmapnormaloffset - New supported values added to the umark argument.
- *morphshrinkmvols - New supported values added to the iface argument.
Deprecated Commands
- Meshing
- *sphgenerate - Use *sphgenerate_new instead.
- Morphing
- *morphmapedgestoequation - Use *morphmapedgestoequationoffset instead.
- *morphmapedgestoline - Use *morphmapedgestolineoffset instead.
- *morphmapedgestonodes - Use *morphmapedgestonodesoffset instead.
- *morphmapedgestoplane - Use *morphmapedgestoplaneoffset instead.
- *morphmapedgestosurface - Use *morphmapedgestosurfaceoffset instead.
- *morphmapedgestotacit - Use *morphmapedgestotacitoffset instead.
- *morphmaptoequationvec - Use *morphmaptoequationvecoffset instead.
- *morphmaptolinenodes - Use *morphmaptolinenodesoffset instead.
- *morphmaptolineoffset - Use *morphmaptolinevecoffset instead.
- *morphmaptolinevec - Use *morphmaptolinevecoffset instead.
- *morphmaptonodesnodes - Use *morphmaptonodesnodesoffset instead.
- *morphmaptonodesvec - Use *morphmaptonodesvecoffset instead.
- *morphmaptoplanevec - Use *morphmaptoplanevecoffset instead.
- *morphmaptosurfacevec - Use *morphmaptosurfacevecoffset instead.
- *morphmaptotacitvec - Use *morphmaptotacitvecoffset instead.
- *morphnodesequaenvelope - Use *morphnodesequaoffset instead.
- *morphnodeslineenvelope - Use *morphnodeslineoffset instead.
- *morphnodesmeshenvelope - Use *morphnodesmeshoffset instead.
- *morphnodesnodesenvelope - Use *morphnodesnodesoffset instead.
- *morphnodesplaneenvelope - Use *morphnodesplaneoffset instead.
- *morphnodessurfenvelope - Use *morphnodessurfoffset instead.
- *morphnodesvectorenvelope - Use *morphnodesvectoroffset instead.