Connect to Shared Library

In this task you will learn how to connect to the PostgreSQL Shared Library.

Part, Subsystem, and Material libraries all support shared libraries, but each is independent of the other. The PostgreSQL server can be used to host the vaults where files (like .hm or .fem) are stored.
Note: PostgreSQL must be installed on the system that is hosting the library. This is typically a machine that is accessible by the team and is not in danger of being turned off.
  1. To create a shared library:
    1. Open the relevant browser depending on which type of library you want to create.
    2. Inside the browser, right-click and select Library > Libraries... from the context menu.
      The Libraries dialog displays.
    3. Click the + sign in the middle-right of the dialog.
    4. In the Library type field, select Shared.
    5. In the Library host field, type the name of the host machine running PostgreSQL. The default will show as localhost.
    6. In the Library port field, type the number of the port that the PostgreSQL installation is using. This should be left as 5432 if the Postgres installation instructions were followed.
    7. In the Library path field, browse to the location of the library folder. This can be a new, empty folder.
    8. In the Library name field, type the name of the library. This defaults to the name of the folder created in the previous step.
    9. Click Add.
      The library is created.
  2. To add an existing library:
    1. Open the relevant browser depending on which type of library you want to create.
    2. Inside the browser, right-click and select Library > Libraries... from the context menu.
      The Libraries dialog displays.
    3. Click the + sign in the middle-right of the dialog.
    4. In the Library type field, select Shared.
    5. In the Library host field, type the name of the host machine running PostgreSQL. The default will show as localhost.
    6. In the Library port field, type the number of the port that the PostgreSQL installation is using. This should be left as 5432 if the Postgres installation instructions were followed.
    7. In the Library path field, browse to the location of the library folder. This can be a new, empty folder.
    8. In the Library name field, type the name of the library. This defaults to the name of the folder created in the previous step.
    9. Click Add.
      The library is added.
    10. To connect to the library, select the library in the list and then click Connect.