Add a Service Cluster

Establish a connection to an HPC cluster so that you may begin submitting jobs.

A service cluster is a PAS Server that is connected to an HPC complex. Before you can submit a job, a service cluster must be added. Only users that have been assigned a Manager role can add service clusters. The Service User entered during the installation of Access Web is automatically assigned a Manager role.

When Access Web is installed on the same machine as PAS, a default local service cluster is automatically added, eliminating the need for the Service User to add a service cluster. Users can begin submitting jobs immediately. Access to the local filesystem is also configured through the default service cluster. By default, users have access to the Job File Stage Area directory (default is /stage) that is defined at installation. Edit the default service cluster to configure access to additional directories such as user home directories, for example /home.

  1. Choose one of the following options:
    • If no service clusters have been configured, click the Configure one or more services link.
    • Click and then click Add.
    The Add Service Cluster screen is displayed.

    Figure 1. Add Service Cluster
  2. For Server Name, enter a short name describing the cluster.
  3. For URL, enter the URL for connecting to the Workload Manager.
    The URL is in the format https://<hostname>:5243/pas where <hostname> is the hostname of the machine where the PAS Server is installed.
    Note: It is recommended to add a cluster using the hostname of the PAS Server rather than the IP address. This prevents connectivity issues from arising when an IP address is changed (DHCP, etc.).
  4. For User Name and Password, enter your login credentials.
    The user account and password must be available on the PAS Server.
  5. For Root Dir, enter the pathname where user job input and result files are stored.
    Ex: /home, /users, /stage
    Note: Add parent directory of all Users home during service registration to make home button work.
  6. Click if you want to add another Root Dir and enter the pathname.

    Figure 2. Multiple Root Directory Entry
  7. Select the default root directory to be displayed from the Default Root Dir drop-down menu.

    Figure 3. Default Root Directory
  8. Click Add.
    If the service cluster is added successfully, then a notification is displayed.
    Note: A notification is displayed to all users logged into Access Web when a service cluster gets added, edited, deleted, if it goes down or if it is unreachable.
  9. Repeat steps 2 through 8 to add additional service clusters.
  10. Click Done.
    A list of service clusters that have been added is displayed.

    Figure 4. Service Clusters List

    The green color next to the service cluster indicates that it is available to use. The red color indicates that the service cluster is not available.

    The Details column provides the reason when a service cluster is not available. Mouse hover the Details column of a service cluster to view the error message.

    Figure 5. Service Cluster Details