Manage Automation Templates

Use the Template Manager to define rule-based logic for groups, geometric operations, and setup and automate simulation processes.

The Template Manager is useful for:
  • Automating the simulation process – since templates are defined based on rules, they can be applied to other models which have the same attributes.
  • Defining best practices for meshing and solver parameters and sharing with others
  • Parametric studies
  1. Click the arrow next to the Home tool set, then select Template Manager.

    Figure 1.
  2. Create groups.
    Groups allow you to define collections of parts, solids, surfaces, and lines based on rules.
    1. Click Groups under Template Categories.
    2. Click to add a group.
    3. Give the group a name and select a geometry type.
    4. Use the Definition drop-down and the Metadata Key/Value fields to define the rules.
      By Parts Name
      Define full part names or use * to find parts with a partial name match (for example, part*).
      By Visibility
      Group based on visibility.
      Supported values are: All and Displayed
      By Metadata
      Define a metadata key and value.
      By Find and Select
      Group based on topological definition.
      Supported values are: Free surfaces, Internal surfaces, Intersecting surfaces, Baffles, Non-manifold surfaces, Sharp surfaces, Sliver surfaces, and Self-intersecting surfaces
    5. Use the Active checkboxes to select which groups you want to use.

    These groups are referenced in the rest of the template categories for selection.

    These groups are dynamic; they are evaluated while a specific instance of a category is being evaluated.

    Figure 2.
  3. Define template instances.
    1. Click one of the setup options beneath Template Categories.
    2. Click to add a new instance.
      When there are multiple types of instances in a category like Inlet, Outlet, Wall – you can activate multiple instances at a time to create them all in one go.
    3. For boundaries and mesh controls, assign a name.
    4. Define the instance and select the group it will act on. Click to edit parameters.
    5. Use the Active checkboxes to select which instances you want to use.
      Inactive instances will not be evaluated.

    Figure 3.
  4. Select the processes to be executed in sequence.
    Delete existing setup
    If on, the existing setup will be removed.
    Run operations
    If on, it will run the active instances defined in the Operation category.
    If on, geometry validation will be performed after running operations or before performing setup, meshing, or solver run.
    Click to change the sliver surface threshold used for validating sliver surfaces and sliver solids.
    If there are errors, they are highlighted with an exclamation icon. On clicking the icon, you can see a list of errors and update operations accordingly.
    Simulation set up
    If on, the process will check geometry validity and perform evaluation of active template instances.
    If geometry is not valid, it will terminate the process and update the geometry validation flag.
    Perform meshing
    If on, and the model is valid, the meshing job will be submitted.
    Click to define batch mesh settings.
    If geometry is not valid, it will terminate the process and update the geometry validation flag.
    Submit solver run
    If on, the process will check for model validity and the presence of volume mesh then submit the solver job.
    Click to define AcuSolve launch settings.
    If volume mesh is not present, the solver job will not be submitted.
  5. Click Run.
  • Click to export a defined template or to import a template.
  • To delete a group or template instance, select it and click