Altair HyperStudy 2020.1 Release Notes


Alternative Report Format for Knowledge Studio
Decimal separator differs based on regional settings in an operating system. Users can now export data in Excel (*.xlsx) format to specify decimal separator prior to importing in Knowledge Studio.

Resolved Issues

  • F1 shortcut key leads to correct section of help.
  • Help links are working properly on Linux platforms.
  • MAC (Modal Assurance Criteria) tool no longer requires normal modes subcase to be the first in ID order.
  • Hstp Reader is now the default tool for string data of hstp files.
  • Inactive linked variables now evaluate to the linked value.
  • External optimizer does not overwrite inclusion data.
  • A More appropriate error message is issued when there is only Setup approach present in batch mode.


  • Future versions of HyperStudy will remove support for upgrading studies earlier than version 12.0.