Altair MotionView 2020.1 Release Notes


The Altair MotionView 2020.1 release provides several enhancements and bug fixes to the MotionView 2020 release. A consolidated list is shown below:
  • Scooter Suspensions Added to the Two-Wheeler MDL Library
  • Tire Contact Patch Force Graphics Option for AutoTires
  • Electric Power Assisted Steering in the Car/Light-Truck MDL Library
  • Rider Positioning Tool
  • MotionView Python API (Beta)
  • Graphics Performance
  • MotionSolve-EDEM Improvements
  • MotionSolve Compose Subroutine
  • Other Enhancements
  • Resolved Issues

Scooter Suspensions added to the Two-Wheeler MDL Library

The Two-Wheeler MDL Library now includes scooter front and rear suspensions systems. The associated Assembly Wizard includes options to build a scooter model.

Figure 1.
The new suspension systems are:
  • Front Single Side Trailing Link Suspension
  • Front Double Side Trailing Link Suspension
  • Front Double Side Leading Link Suspension
  • Rear Trailing Link Mono Shock Suspension

Figure 2. Scooter Front Suspensions

Tire Contact Patch Force Graphics

The AutoTire now includes an option for tire contact patch force graphics, allowing you to visualize in HyperView the vertical, lateral, and longitudinal forces acting on the idealized tire contact patch. The forces are the integral of the friction and contact forces over the contact patch area between the road and tire. You control the color and scale of the graphics and their lateral offset from the contact patch location.
Note: The offset prevents the tire, wheel, and chassis graphics from obscuring the force graphics.

Figure 3.

Electric Power Assisted Steering (EPAS)

The car/light-truck MDL Library now includes an Electric Power Assisted Steering system. The steering assist is generated by an electric motor geared to the rack in parallel to the steering column. The assist torque is a function of the vehicle longitudinal speed and the wind-up in a torsion-bar in the steering column as a proxy for the driver’s steering effort.

The electric motor and torque boost curve are encapsulated in a model exchange FMU exported from Altair Activate. The corresponding Activate model (.scm file) is included with the FMU in Car/Light-Truck MDL Library, and may be viewed and modified with Activate.

Rider Entity and Positioning Tool

MotionAuto adds a new AutoRider entity representing the mass and inertia of a human. You can scale the height (mass) and density of rider and position the rider’s arms, legs, torso and head using sliders on the AutoRider panel. The range of joint motions are limited to realistic values for humans, but not all joint motions are adjustable. Since each body segment is an individual rigid body, when positioned the total mass remains unchanged, but the mass moments of inertia are updated.

Figure 4.

MotionView Python API (Beta)

MotionView now has a Python interface (beta release) for creating a model. Using the API, MotionView models can be created, queried and modified through Python. This functionality opens avenues for modeling and customization, leveraging the power and flexibility of the Python language.

To use Python with MotionView, set the environment variable HW_MV_EXPERIMENTAL= PYTHON_CONTEXT_MENU_ENTRIES. “Python Window” option is available on right-click context menu in the browser. The mview module is available within the Hyperworks package that can be imported in python.

Figure 5.

The API documentation for each entity with examples is available in the MotionView Reference Guide.

Improved Graphic Performance

CAD Graphic representation and its memory usage has been improved. This results in better responsiveness to mouse manipulation such as Pan/Zoom/Rotate.

MotionSolve-EDEM Improvements

  • Mesh refinement ability while transferring geometry to EDEM is now available for CAD Graphics in the EDEM Subsystem panel.
  • A new "EDEM" menu is available. This menu offers all tools related to EDEM under one umbrella such as:
    • Creation of EDEM Subsystem
    • Running MS-EDEM co-simulation in batch mode
    • Generating H3D from EDEM results

Support for Compose Subroutine

The User Defined interface for all entities that support User subroutines has been enhanced to provide Compose scripts as a subroutine in a MotionSolve run.

Other Enhancements

Data Summary Improvements
A new search option and filters are available in Data Summary. The View Options provides ability to:
  • Sorted based on dependency.
  • Filter for empty tabs and deactivated entities.
  • Filter points that are referred to as Body CG.
Forms panel can now display an image. If the cell in the form refers to a File name data member that has an image file, the image will be displayed within the cell.

Resolved Issues

  • Messages on status bar were not being updated during Import, Export and opening of models.
  • Body data member of compliant joints were not updated after merging bodies.
  • Certain contact models failed to obtain mesh in the MotionSolve XML due to the mismatch of component names between MotionView and mesh generating Hypermesh.
  • An application error on browser scroll immediately after CAD import has been fixed.
  • Certain unit configuration with MNF to H3D conversion resulted in improper flex data to the solver.
  • An application error on creation of output for Contact entity has been resolved.
  • Transfer to EDEM of CADGraphics defined in reference to markers other than Global Frame resulted in an application error.
  • A template failure to recognize left or right-side members of a pair has been fixed.
  • A change in dataset used by graphic resulted in undesired change in system topology. This issue has been fixed.