Process Manager Directory Structure

While creating a process definition, the following directory structure is mandated by Process Manager:

Figure 1.
My Process
The process definition files (.pmt and .pmd) will be placed here. This is the base directory for the process.
controls directory
Java beans specific to this process in archive format (.jar files) will be placed in this directory.
help directory
The help files (in HTML format) associated with each task in the process will be placed here.
icons directory
Any icon file (if required) used by the process will be placed here.
modules directory
The Tcl modules to be associated with the tasks in the process will be placed here.
tclincludes directory
The Tcl helper files for the modules will be located here. The Process Manager Framework will automatically source these files when the process is loaded.
customlibs directory
(As the A JRS are not representing the Beans) and place all JARS under this. The JARs will be loaded in JVM by adding these to CLASSPATH variables.