Run an AcuSolve Simulation

Use the Run tool to define run settings and submit an AcuSolve job.

  1. From the Solution ribbon, Simulation tools, click the Run tool.

    Figure 1.
    The Launch AcuSolve dialog opens.
  2. In the Run definition section, define a problem name, a run directory, an AcuRun installation path, processes, and the number of processors.
  3. Optional: Activate the Automatically define pressure reference option.
    If this option is on and there is no inlet/outlet type boundary defined, a zero pressure condition will be applied on the nodes of the largest volume cell. This is required for natural convection problems.
  4. Optional: In the Default initial conditions section:
    1. Define default nodal initial conditions and parameters.
      If any parameters are defined in the Initialize tools, they will take precedence.
    2. Activate the Pre-compute flow and Pre-compute turbulence options.
      If these options are on, a flow field will be initialized by solving Stokes equation. It will be a more relevant flow field but it will take extra computing time.
      Note: For variable density material models, it is recommended to leave these options turned off.
  5. Optional: Define simulation restart parameters in the Restart section.
    1. Turn on the Restart from previous solution option.
      This restarts the simulation based on an already finished simulation. It loads the restart data of the last time step of the defined run before the current simulation starts.
    2. Specify the name of the problem from which to restart.
      If it is unspecified, the name of the current problem is used. The current problem is provided by the command line option: problem.
    3. Specify the working directory of the problem from which to restart.
      This directory may be either relative to the current directory or an absolute address. If the working directory parameter is unspecified, the working directory of the current problem is used. This directory is given by the command line option: working_directory.
    4. Activate the Reset time step option to set both the step number and time to zero.
      If off, the step number and time from the previous run are used.
  6. Click Run.
    The Run Status dialog opens.

    Once the run is complete, the status icon turns to a green check mark.

  7. Optional: Right-click on a job and select View log file to monitor solution progress.

Write Output

While an AcuSolve run is in progress, right-click on the job in the Run Status dialog and select Write output to add the results at the current time step to the output directory.

Stop an AcuSolve Simulation

While an AcuSolve run is in progress, right-click on the job in the Run Status dialog and select Stop to terminate the run.