Create the Batch File

In this task you will create model build batch file.

  1. Using any text editor, copy the following content into the text editor and name it, Model_build.bat.
    REM Altair HyperMesh v2019
    REM Copyright (C)1990-2018 - Altair Engineering, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
    REM Contains trade secrets of Altair Engineering, Inc. Copyright notice does not imply publication.
    REM Decompilation or disassembly of this software is strictly prohibited.
    pushd %~dp0
    set curr_dir=%~dp0
    REM Set below 4 Variables
    set ALTAIR_LICENSE_PATH=<License_File_Path>
    set input_plxml="%curr_dir%input_plmxml.xml"
    set output_plmxml="%curr_dir%output_plmxml.xml" 
    set rep_create={{Crash 5mm} {Crash 10mm}}
    set Install_Path=C:\Program Files\Altair\2019.0
    REM Do not change below this line
    set Log_File_name=log_%RANDOM%.log
    set log_file_path="%curr_dir%%Log_File_name%"
    set batch_exe_path="%Install_Path%\hm\bin\win64\hmbatch.exe"
    set batch_tcl_path="%Install_Path%\hm\scripts\br\views\modules\batch\script.tcl"
    ECHO .
    ECHO       #                                                                                                    #
    ECHO       #                            Altair HyperMesh v2019                                                  #
    ECHO       # Copyright (C)1990-2018 - Altair Engineering, Inc. All Rights Reserved.                            #
    ECHO       # Contains trade secrets of Altair Engineering, Inc. Copyright notice does not imply publication.  #
    ECHO       # Decompilation or disassembly of this software is strictly prohibited.                              #
    ECHO       #                                                                                                    #
    %batch_exe_path% -tcl %batch_tcl_path% %input_plxml% -blSaveMonolithic 1 -
    blSaveToLibrary 0 -blSyncMetadataToPDM 0  -createRepresentations %rep_create% -
    exportFile %output_plmxml% -fileType UDMXML -logFile %log_file_path%
  2. On the line that reads, set ALTAIR_LICENSE_PATH=<License_File_Path>, type in the appropriate license path.
  3. On the line that reads, set input_plxml="%curr_dir%input_plmxml.xml", type in the appropriate BOM file (PLMXML file) name and path.
  4. On the line that reads, set output_plmxml="%curr_dir%output_plmxml.xml", type in the appropriate output PLMXML name and path.
  5. On the line that reads, set rep_create={{Crash 5mm} {Crash 10mm}}, specify the representations to create.
  6. On the line that reads, set Install_Path=C:\Program Files\Altair\2019.0, point to the HyperMesh install path.
    Note: Only HyperMesh 2019 and later is supported.
  7. Save the batch file.
  8. Run the batch file from the command prompt.
    Note: After the batch file is executed, it will start HyperMesh in batch mode and create the representations as specified. You will not see the GUI during this process.