Step Manager Tab Environment
- Editable cells have a white background, unless it is the active cell. You can input values using the keyboard in editable cells. Non-editable cells have a gray background.
- Left-click in an editable (white background) cell to activate it for input. Click in an active cell to move the insertion cursor to the character nearest the mouse.
- Press Control and the left or right arrow key to move the cursor within the active cell. Use the left, right, up, and down arrows to change the active cell.
- Press Backspace to delete the character before the insertion cursor in the active cell.
- Press Delete to delete the character after the insertion cursor in the active cell.
- Table columns can be resized by positioning the cursor along a column border, pressing the left or right mouse button, and dragging the border to a new position.
- In some fields, you can use the (…) button to open the Entity Browser to select the entity for that field.