Set Properties of a Selected Free-Body Section

  1. Select a free-body section.
    The properties display.
  2. Right-click on one (or multiple) free-body sections to:
    • Import or export its definitions from a .csv file or Nastran Monitor Point 3.
    • Realize cross-sections.
    The name of the selected free-body section.
    The ID of the selected free-body section.
    The color of the selected free-body section
    Entity id list
    This option is mandatory. Defines a group of elements for standard section or a cross-section.
    Node id list
    This option is exclusive for element selection. It is used to define the nodes that will be included in the free-body calculation. If the selection is empty, the free-body calculation will use all nodes belonging to the selected elements.
    Resolve in
    Defines the coordinate system used in the calculation. Options vary depending on the solver.
    Summation Point Type
    Defines where free-body forces and moments will be summed. The centroid will be calculated based on the nodes that are stored inside the Node id list. If the Node id list is empty, the free-body calculation uses all nodes belonging to the selected elements.
    Summation Node
    Defines a node where free-body forces and moments will be summed.
    Summation Point
    Defines the coordinates of the point where free-body forces and moments will be summed.