Midlines Tool

An overview of the Midlines tool for working with solids.

Figure 1.

Use the Midlines tool to quickly create center lines for tubes and solids. You can also create connectors on these center lines to create seam welds.

Go to Geometry > Midlines and select Solids in the selector.


Destination component
Specifies which component the midlines will be created in. Values can be:
Midline – creates all midlines in a component with the name "midline."
Midline.# – creates the midlines in components with names midline.1, midline.2, etc. corresponding to the components containing the original solids.
Original – creates the midline for each solid in the same component as the solid itself. If the solid lies in several components, the midline will be created in one of these.
Original.# – creates the midline for each solid in the component with the original component (containing the solid) name with 1., 2., etc. The newly created components will follow HM parts organization of the pre-existing components.
Current – creates all midlines in the current component.
Mask input geomety
Hide input solid geometry in the modeling window upon exiting the context.
Create seam connectors
Create seam connectors on the center line using either of the following: Density (specifies the number of connectors to be created on the center line) or Spacing (specifies the distance between connectors).