System Assignment

Systems are available for assignment to properly control the orientation of entities like loads, transformations of parts, model has degrees of freedom for movement during simulation among many other applications.

  1. From the Model ribbon, click the Assign Systems tool.

    Figure 1.
  2. Optional: On the guide bar, click to access system visualization options.
  3. Assign or unassign materials.
    Option Description
    1. Select a system to assign using the first selector.
    2. Using the second selector, select the nodes, loads, or systems to be assigned the system.
    3. Click one of the following:
      • – Assign the system and remain in the tool
      • – Assign the system and exit the tool
      • – Exit the tool without assigning

      Both selectors need to be populated to for the assign action buttons to be active.

    1. Using the second selector, select components or properties that have a material assigned to them.
    2. Click one of the following:
      • – Unassign the system and remain in the tool
      • – Unassign the system and exit the tool
      • – Exit the tool without unassigning

      Only the second selector can be populated to perform an unassignment.

Note: Set Reference and/or Set Displacement are a required input for node-based assignment