XML Syntax Alternative
Any model built using XML syntax can be rewritten in a much more compact and readable way using the MotionSolve Python interface.
from msolve import *
def sliding_block (out_name):
m = Model (output=out_name)
grav = Accgrav (jgrav=-9.800)
dstiff = Integrator (type="DSTIFF", error=1e-5)
p0 = Point (10,0,0)
ux = Vector (1,0,0)
uz = Vector (0,0,1)
grnd = Part (ground=True)
oxyz = Marker (body=grnd, label="Global CS")
# Sliding Block
blk1 = Part (label="Block-1", mass=1, ip=[4.9e-4,4.9e-4,4.9e-4])
blk1.cm = Marker (label="Block-1 CM", body=blk1, qp=p0, zp=p0+ux, xp=p0+uz)
# Trans Joint along Global-X
im1 = Marker (label="Joint-1 I", body=blk1, qp=p0, zp=p0+ux, xp=p0+uz)
jm1 = Marker (label="Joint-1 J", body=grnd, qp=p0, zp=p0+ux, xp=p0+uz)
jnt1 = Joint (label="Joint-1", type="TRANSLATIONAL", i = im1, j = jm1)
# Actuator force
sf1 = Sforce (type="TRANSLATION", actiononly=True, i=im1, j=jm1,
label = "Actuation Force-1", function="3*sin(2*pi*time)")
so = Output (reqsave=True)
return m
model = sliding_block ("One-Sliding-Block")
model.simulate (type="DYNAMICS", end=4, dtout=.01)
The XML syntax will be fully supported and enhanced as needed.