The Optimization Cost vs. Iteration Plot

Figure 1.
Initial Design vs. Optimized Design

Figure 2.

Figure 3.

Figure 4.
The Optimization Summary Log File
Version 0.1
** COPYRIGHT (C) 2004-2016 Altair Engineering, Inc. **
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** Contains trade secrets of Altair Engineering, Inc. **
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Date : 14/03/2017
Time : 17:09:18
Python Version : 2.7.12 |Anaconda 4.2.0 (64-bit)| (default, Jun 29 2016, 11:07:13) [MSC v.1500 64 bit (AMD64)]
Input File : c:\work\simulate function\
Output Directory : c:\work\simulate function\Two_Spring_with_force_170918
Summary File : c:\work\simulate function\Two_Spring_with_force_170918\summary.log
Design Log File : c:\work\simulate function\Two_Spring_with_force_170918\design.log
Optimizer Settings
Algorithm : FMIN_SLSQP
Max. # iterations: 50
Accuracy : 1.000e-03
Simulation Settings
Analysis : Call optimizer.sim_function
Iteration # Cost # Objective Mag(Slope)
1 6 4.1503e+02 1.3738e+04
2 13 4.1491e+01 2.6595e+02
3 24 4.1413e+01 1.8483e+02
4 29 3.8928e+01 2.7961e+02
5 34 1.7751e+01 6.9854e+01
6 39 2.0843e+01 1.0056e+02
7 49 2.0729e+01 1.8075e+02
8 64 2.0828e+01 2.4888e+01
9 79 2.0905e+01 2.2152e+02
10 84 2.2928e+01 2.0147e+02
11 89 2.3012e+01 7.2257e+01
Results from Optimization
Initial Cost = 415.030
Final Cost = 23.012
Cost reduction = 94.455
Individual Responses
Weight = 1.00 Final cost of objective acceleration = 0.77
Weight = 1.00 Final cost of objective velocity = 2.32
Weight = 1.00 Final cost of objective displacement = 19.92
Final Design Table
DV Lower Bound Upper Bound Initial Value Optimized Value
DV0 +0.0000e+00 +1.0000e+00 +0.0000e+00 +1.5952e-01
DV1 +0.0000e+00 +1.0000e+00 +5.0000e-01 +8.7677e-01
DV2 +0.0000e+00 +1.0000e+00 +0.0000e+00 +4.5369e-01
Elapsed Time for job = 261.13 seconds
Time in Cost function = 130.75 seconds
Time in Sensitivity function = 124.84 seconds
Optimization process completed.
The Design Summary Log File
Design History
Input File : c:\work\simulate function\
Output Directory: c:\work\simulate function\Two_Spring_with_force_170918
Iteration # Design
1 [0.0, 0.5, 0.0]
2 [0.27699, 0.63833, 2.3762e-05]
3 [0.27832, 0.63779, 2.3718e-05]
4 [0.2731, 0.6548, 3.3886e-12]
5 [0.076768, 1.0, 0.64752]
6 [0.13338, 0.91154, 0.44929]
7 [0.13338, 0.9115, 0.44932]
8 [0.13338, 0.9115, 0.44932]
9 [0.13338, 0.9115, 0.44932]
10 [0.15857, 0.87803, 0.45354]
11 [0.15952, 0.87677, 0.45369]