Assign Materials

Use the Material tool to assign materials to solid bodies.

  1. From the Flow ribbon, Domain tools, click the Material tool.

    Figure 1.
  2. Select solids.
  3. In the microdialog, assign a material model from the drop-down menu or select Material Library to create, edit, and manage custom material models.
  4. From the guide bar, execute the command in the following ways:
    • Click to confirm your selection and remain in the tool.

      This allows you to continue creating instances and helps you visualize and edit instances with the legend.

    • Click to confirm your selection and exit the tool.
  • Click the Material tool satellite icon to view a list of solids in the model and quickly assign materials.
  • A solid assigned as Void will not be active in the simulation. Utilize this option to run a flow simulation only in a conjugate heat transfer model.