Elemental YZ Manipulator

Use the elemental YZ manipulator as an incremental offset manipulator in elemental systems.

The elemental YZ manipulator acts on the whole selection of beam elements. Each manipulation along the Y or Z-axis will append that amount to every selected element regardless of their current offset value. This tool is not meant to assign the same resulting offset value to all selected elements. Instead, the selected elements will be updated by the exact same increment.

Figure 1.
  1. Click on the appropriate element in the model.
  2. Click the Elemental YZ manipulator tool on the microdialog.
    Two arrows will display on the model representing the Y and Z axis.
  3. Click on the Y arrow, type a value for the offset, and press Enter.
  4. Click on the Z arrow, type a value for the offset, and press Enter.
  5. If you need to reset the offset, press the Reset offset button on the far-right of the microdialog.

    Figure 2.
    Note: This is not an Undo operation. Reset will always set to 0,0,0 regardless of previous value.