Orient Beam/Bar as Plate Stiffener

Align the beam/bar axis along the positive normal of an adjacent shell.

Normals of adjacent shells are averaged since they do not have an angle greater than the threshold value (break angle) defined in the options. For sharp angles, the shell with the lowest ID is used as a reference. In the case of T-junctions, you can select a reference shell by hiding undesired shells and by setting the "normal from shells" option to Displayed.

  1. Select the appropriate elements in the model.
  2. In the microdialog, click the Orient normal to shells button.

    Figure 1.
  3. Set options by clicking the options button ( ). Set options according to the following:
    Option Description
    Normal from shells Controls which shells are referenced to orient Y axis along the positive normal.
    Normal break angle Threshold limit between surrounding shell normals angle above which no averaging is performed.