Size Biasing and Element Configuration

Select meshing parameters and biasing options.

After you have selected support, either lines or nodes, you can set options for meshing.

  1. From the microdialog, select either mesh size or density.

    Figure 1.
  2. Select the element configuration that you are creating. This can be either bar2 or rod.
  3. Select the element type (formulation). This can be CBEAM, CBAR, or CMBEAM.
  4. Optional: You can set or change biasing type values by clicking the options button ( ). Set options according to the following:
    Option Description
    Organize beams Select where to organize new beams as they are created.
    Match 2D mesh Controls which shells are referenced when creating beams.
    Break angle Topology is discretized where the geometry curvature exceeds this angle.
    Bias style Type of biasing to distribute elements unevenly.
    Bias intensity Larger values increase bias, and negative values reverse bias. Values must be between -20 and 20.