Run Wrapping

Use the Wrap: Run tool to create wrap from selected parts.

The Wrap tool works for tessellated geometry. If the input is b-spline geometry, first convert to discrete geometry using the Convert tool.

If local and proximity controls are defined, they will override the default settings defined in this tool.

  1. From the Geometry ribbon, click the Wrap > Run tool.

    Figure 1.
  2. Select parts to wrap.
  3. Input global size settings in the dialog.
    Click to view advanced wrapping options.
  4. Click Run.
    After wrapping, the generated result is placed in the first selected part and the part is renamed as “CFD wrap 1”. Since the wrapped form is manifold, results can be one or multiple solids. The input selection is removed in order to avoid duplication.

Wrap: Run Tool

An overview of the Wrap: Run tool.

Figure 2.

Use the Wrap: Run tool to create wrap from selected parts.

Go to Geometry > Wrap > Run.


Average element size
Average wrap size for selected surfaces. This size will be applied on flat faces. The size on curve areas will be assigned based on minimum size and feature angle.
Minimum size factor
Minimum element size to be used for selected surface wrapping. In the wrapping process, minimum size controls precision in feature capturing. Define the minimum element size accordingly to precisely preserve features, generally 1/3 of the smallest feature to capture.
Feature angle
Extract features based on the defined feature angle. Open or closed loop features are considered and will be captured accordingly.
Hole patch tolerance
Determine which holes to patch. Closed loop free edges spanned within one or more components are considered.
Auto baffle inflation
If floating surfaces are found during the wrapping process, this option will inflate baffles with defined thickness during wrapping.
Baffle thickness
Define the thickness assigned to baffles in the model. A baffle represents open – zero thickness shell face.
Global proximity refinement
Enable proximity refinement at a global level. All input parts will be considered for proximity refinement within the defined tolerance. If this parameter is disabled, proximity refinement at a global level will not take place. You can define proximity refinement at local level.
Proximity tolerance
Resolve all proximity above this value.
Enable auto gap patching
Patch gaps within a given tolerance.
Gap patch tolerance
Determine which gaps to patch.

If two parts/surfaces have a gap between them and are within the gap patch tolerance, then the gap between them will be patched. Local size and local refinement controls will affect areas which will be patched.

Remesh after wrapping
Remesh the entire wrapped solid with the defined growth rate and span angle. The element size used for remeshing will be automatically detected.

If this parameter is enabled along with the parameter organize wrap elements by base comps, then wrapped components will be remeshed and named with the original.