Edit Midsurface Plates

Use the Midsurfaces: Edit Plates tool to review and edit midsurface plates.

Before you begin, extract the midsurface of thin solids using the Planes + Sweeps + Offsets midsurfacing method.

The type of plates used to create the midsurface is determined during midsurfacing.

  1. From the Geometry ribbon, click the Midsurfaces > Edit Plates tool.

    Figure 1.
    Midsurface plates are color coded by plate type.

    Figure 2.
  2. Optional: On the guide bar, click to define plate edit display options.
  3. Select surfaces to edit.
  4. From the microdialog, select a new plate type.

    Figure 3.
  5. On the guide bar, click Update Midsurfaces.
    Tip: When selecting surfaces, you can select opposite surfaces by right-clicking and selecting the Select Opposite option from the context menu.
Tip: Use the legend in the upper, left corner of the modeling window to show, hide, and isolate plate types.

Midsurfaces: Edit Plates Tool

An overview of the Midsurfaces: Edit Plates tool.

Figure 4.

Use the Midsurfaces: Edit Plates tool to review and edit midsurface plates.

Go to Geometry > Midsurfaces > Edit Plates.


Select surfaces as plates
Auto-select all surfaces of the plate.
Color by
Select whether to color plates by their type or give each plate its own color.
Select whether to color plates on the midsurface or source geometry.

Plate and Surface Types

Surfaces created to represent a thin solid for shell meshing.

Figure 5.
A continuous, flat plate.

Figure 6.
A continuous plate that follows the contours of the geometry.

Figure 7.
A plate that is offset from one side of the source geometry.

Figure 8.
Surfaces that connect separate plates.

Figure 9.
Surfaces that define the boundary of the midsurface.

Figure 10.
A surface that is ignored during midsurfacing.
This plate type is useful when working with complex models.

Figure 11.
A plate that has not been assigned a plate type.
If you do not assign a plate type to unidentified plates prior to midsurfacing, one will be assigned during the midsurfacing process.

Figure 12.