The EDEM menu provides access to tools related to the MotionSolve - EDEM cosimulation interface.

The following options can be accessed from this menu:

Create EDEM Subsystem

Displays a panel that enables you to transfer geometry to EDEM and set up the EDEM system for co-simulation.

See the Bulk Material Interaction topic for additional information.

Run MS/EDEM Cosimulation in Batch Mode

This tool helps to run the cosimulation in batch mode.

The inputs required are as follows:
MotionView MDL or MotionSolve XML file A valid MotionView (*.mdl) or a MotionSolve (*.xml) that is set up for cosimulation with EDEM.
EDEM input deck A valid EDEM file (*.dem) set up for cosimulation with MotionSolve.
EDEM server wait time [s] EDEM server wait time in seconds to establish connection with MotionSolve.