Multiple Engine Files

It is possible to define multiple Engine files to change the solution control and output during a simulation.

Some common use cases of this powerful feature include:
  1. Initializing gravity or pre-tension before a simulation.
  2. Changing write frequency of output files, such as animation files, (/ANIM/DT, /H3D/DT), time history (/TFILE), and restart (/RFILE).
  3. Changing the time step control options used, (/DT/Keyword).
  4. Modifying system damping (/DAMP, /DYREL, or /KEREL).
  5. Adding or removing boundary conditions (/BCS/Keyword) or defining initial conditions (/INIV/Keyword).
  6. Removing elements (/DEL/Eltyp) or turning on or off rigid bodies (/RBODY/Keyword2).

Define and Run Multiple Engine Input Files

As mentioned above, the first Engine file is named runname_0001.rad. When creating a second Engine file, the number is increased by 1 for the next Engine file to a maximum of 9999 Engine files. So, the second Engine file would be named runname_0002.rad. To avoid a warning message, the Engine file number should also match the Run Number listed in the keyword, /RUN.

Example: First Engine file, TensileTest_0001.rad
0.  0.5
0.9 1e-6
Example: Second Engine file TensileTest_0002.rad with changed options.
0.  0.05
1.00    0.002
0.9 1e-7