Common Problems

The following sections contain examples of some common problems in the contact interfaces and solutions to overcome them.

Nearest Master Node Found Incorrect

If the interface surface is not simply convex, the simplified master node search may find an incorrect nearest master node.

This problem occurs with interface TYPE3, TYPE6 and TYPE5 (master side only).

The solution to this problem is to use TYPE7 interface.

Figure 1. Incorrect Master Node Found

Nearest Master Segment Found Incorrect: B1

In some cases the nearest master node is not connected to the nearest segment.

This problem can occur with interface TYPE3, TYPE6 and TYPE5 (master side only).

The solution is to either use TYPE7 interface or to refine the mesh.

Figure 2. Wrong Nearest Master Segment 1

Nearest Master Segment Found Incorrect: B2

In some cases the nearest master node is not connected to the nearest segment.

This problem can occur with interface TYPE3, TYPE5 and TYPE6 (master side only).

The solution is to either use TYPE7 interface or change the mesh (for initial mesh problem).

Figure 3. Incorrect Nearest Master Segment 2

Nearest Master Segment Found Incorrect: B3

If the angle between segments is less than 90 degrees, the incorrect nearest segment may sometimes be found, as in Figure 4.

This problem can occur with interface TYPE3, TYPE5 and TYPE6.

The solution is to use a TYPE7 interface or to refine the mesh. With a finer mesh, the shape is smoother.

Figure 4. Master Segment Angle to Acute

Impact Side Incorrect: C1

A node can only impact on the positive side of a segment for interface TYPE3, TYPE6, and TYPE5 (master side). The solution is to use a TYPE7 interface.

Figure 5. Wrong Normal Direction

No Master Node Impact: D1

With TYPE5 interface, only slave nodes impact master segments; master nodes cannot impact slave segments.

This can be solved by either inverting the slave and master sides, or by changing the type of interface. Interface TYPE3 and TYPE7 will solve this problem adequately.

Figure 6. Master Node Penetration