Y Source

After making selections on the X Source tab, select the Y type, request, and components to plot the data in HyperGraph 2D.

Figure 1.
Choose Data Source
Click the file browser button to load a data file. Y Source types are automatically populated based on the Multiple Inputs tab selections, if any.


Use the Layout menu to specify how the plotted data is arranged on the page.

Use Current Plot
Every curve is overlaid in the active window.

When one of the following options is selected, the page layout icon becomes available.

One Plot Per Request
Each selected request is plotted in a new plot with the corresponding components overlaid.

For example, if two Y requests and four Y components are selected, two plots are created with four curves in each plot.

One Plot Per Component
Each selected component is plotted in a new plot with the corresponding requests overlaid.

For example, if two Y requests and four Y components are selected, four plots are created with two curves in each plot.

One Curve Per Plot
Each curve is plotted in a new plot.

For all plotting options, a new page is created. The layout of the new page can be selected from the page layout button on Build Plots. When the plots are built, each window on the new page is filled. If more windows are required, another page of the same layout is created.

Page Layout
Choose the page layout based on the layout options selected.

Type, Request, and Component Selection

Types Filter
Enter the keyword to use as a filter when searching for types. Access the search string history from the drop-down menu.
Types List
Displays the types found (with or without a filter) from the file selected. Select a type to populate the Requests list.
Requests Filter
Enter a keyword to use as a filter when searching for requests. Access the search string history from the drop-down menu.
Requests List
Displays the requests found (with or without a filter) from the selected type. Select the requests to populate the Components list.
Components Filter
Enter the keyword that you want to use as a filter when searching for components. Access the search string history from the drop-down menu.
Components List
Displays the components found (with or without a filter) from the selected requests.
Plots the curve (s).