Update Result Files

Results can be combined from multiple files by selecting a different input file and adding the appropriate loadsteps to the table.
  1. Do one of the following:
    • From the Query tools, click the Loadcase tool.

      Figure 1.
    • Right-click in the Results Browser and select Create > Derived Load Case then a load case type.
    The Create/Edit Derived Load Case dialog is displayed.
  2. Click the Result Files button.
    The Update Result Files dialog is displayed.
    Note: All of the result files that are currently loaded are displayed in the Result file list.
  3. Use the Add result file browser button to select a result file (or multiple files) containing the loadsteps of interest from the Select Result File dialog.
  4. Click Open to add the selected file to the Result file list and also load the file into the current session.
    The full path and file names are displayed in the Update Result Files dialog.
    Restriction: When adding new result files into the current session, only similar file types are allowed. For example, combining Nastran result files and LS-DYNA result files is not currently allowed.
  5. To remove a result file, select a file (or multiple files) from the list and click the Remove Result button.
    Note: The Remove Result option is also available by right-clicking on a row within the Results file list.
  6. Click Close to apply the changes and exit the dialog.
    Once the Update Result Files dialog is closed, the loadstep list will automatically refresh and display any changes that were made.