
Interact with items of type property.

Supported property names are: -name -value -type (create only) -command -setcommand -validatecommand -visible -enabled. All properties available can be passed via the "create" API. Specific property can be set using "set" API. eg command, setcommand, getcommand, validatecommand,help use getattributelist for complete list of attributes. Some of the attributes like -command,-getlistcommand are type specific. Queries list of available attributes.
value: item ID. Not used.

ardi::item::property::create args

Creates an item of type "property".
-id (mandatory)
value: Parent item ID of type text, image, table, module, etc.
-key (mandatory)
value: unique key/name for the property
value: "Display name of the property, if not specified key is used as display name"
(defaults to str): Type of property
For a full list of property names, see above.
The ID of the item or tcl-error in case an error occurred during creation. i.e ardi::item::property create -id $parentid -key "MyKey" -name "My Property" -value "My Value" -type "str"

ardi::item::property::delete args

Deletes the item with the specified ID.
-id (mandatory)
value: Parent item ID of type text, image, table, module, etc.
-name (mandatory)
value: Name of the property
1 for ok
tcl-error in case of error i.e ardi::item::property delete -id $id

ardi::item::property::get args

Queries the value of one property.
-id (mandatory)
value: item ID. The item ID which is returned by the corresponding "create" API.
default value: ""
For a full list of property names, see above.
The value of the specified property or tcl-error in case of error usage: ardi::item::property get -id $id -property parent

ardi::item::property::getattributelist args

\ #usage ardi::item::property::getattributelist args

ardi::item::property::set args

Sets name and value of specific property.
-id (mandatory)
value: item ID. The item ID which is returned by the corresponding "create" API.
default value: ""
For a full list of property names, see above.
1 for ok
tcl-error in case of error i.e ardi::item::property set -id $id -setcommand "::setCommand" -command "::cmdcallback"