Altair MotionSolve 2020.1 Release Notes


New Features

Support OML-based Subroutines
MotionSolve supports subroutines that are scripted in the OpenMatrix Language (OML) using an embedded OML interpreter. The basic OML interpreter supports the basic OML syntax, but does not include/support any of the additional toolboxes and libraries. OML-based subroutines are supported on Windows only. A Linux support for OML subroutines will be provided in future releases. Furthermore, MotionSolve looks for a MATLAB installation to interpret *.m files. If the respective interpreter is not installed, MotionSolve uses its own basic OML interpreter to run *.m scripts instead.
PSTATE for Linear Analysis
You can define your own states via a new PSTATE modeling element. Each PSTATE contains a list of VARIABLES that have been defined in the model. These VARIABLES define the states to use in the linearization. MotionSolve uses these states for generating the linear problem. PSTATE is currently supported in MotionSolve through .xml input files or the MSolve API only. MotionView will support this feature in a future release. For more information on PSTATE, please see the Reference: PlantState command in the MotionSolve Reference Guide.


Descriptor State Space
MotionSolve is able to generate matrices for state-space representation during a linear analysis step. The respective matrices (A, B, C, D) describe a mathematical model of a physical system as a set of input, output, and state variables related by first-order differential equations. Until now, MotionSolve only supported forces as inputs for state-space generation. In this release, you can define motion as inputs as well, which will result in a linear implicit model. The motions are added as algebraic constraints which leads to a descriptor state-space representation on the form of Eẋ = Ax + Bu and y = Cx + Du, where x is the state vector, u is the input vector, and y is the output vector. Descriptor State Space is currently supported in MotionSolve through .xml input files or the Msolve API; it is not available through MotionView. For more information on PSTATE, please see the Parameters: Linear Solver command in the in the MotionSolve Reference Guide.

Resolved Issues

  • The Linux installer returned an error message regarding the lack of disc space for the root directory, even if you want to install the solver within another directory or drive.
  • In some cases, an inside cylinder got “shot away” within a cylinder-inside-cylinder contact if the penetration between the inside and outside cylinder was excessive.
  • Some Functional Mock-up Units based on Model Exchange were not solved correctly in MotionSolve.
  • After a Save and Load command, the internal states corresponding to the Motion Marker B1/B2/B3 were not initialized correctly, causing an offset between Motion states and the corresponding AX/AY/AZ values saved to the XML file. This caused some discontinuities in the results after the reload.
  • MotionSolve FMU generated by MotionView were not running in Activate on Linux.
  • MotionSolve Subroutine Builder failed to execute on the Linux platform.