HyperMesh Model Import Options

Entity management settings defined when importing .hm models.

Entity management settings will be initiated if there is a match (and conflict) between component IDs (PID), property IDs (SECID), and material IDs (MID) in the current HyperWorks session and the incoming binary files. If the component, property, or material IDs do not match, then no action will be taken and entities will be imported as is.
Note: By default, component IDs will be offset and merged to the relevant part. Selecting Keep Incoming Attributes or Keep Existing Attributes for component, property, material, and connector entities and selecting Keep Incoming Only for Geometry/FE is the most common action for this use case.
Components, Properties, Materials, and Connectors
Offset ID
Merge incoming attributes with conflicting IDs into the session, and offsets their IDs. This is the default option for components, properties, materials, and connectors for representation entity management.
Keep Existing Attributes
Maintain existing in-session entity attributes and incoming conflicting entity IDs.
Keep Incoming Attributes
Map incoming entity attributes to the in-session entities.
Keep Both
Keep both incoming and existing geometry and FE residing in the component with conflicting IDs.
Keep Existing Only
Keep existing geometry and FE that resides in the component with conflicting IDs.
Keep Incoming Only
Keep incoming geometry and FE that resides in the component with conflicting IDs. This is the default option for geometry and FE for representation entity management.
Connector Advanced Options
When loading connectors along with a HyperMesh binary file, HyperWorks checks for conflicting spot and bolt connectors. Define options used to find conflicting connectors by expanding Connector Advanced Options option.
Tolerance Check/Tolerance
Tolerance used to find conflicting connectors. Connector coordinates need to be within a certain tolerance from each other.
Compare used links by ID (inactive by default).
Compare used links by link type (active by default).
Compare used links by link name (active by default).
Compare the number of layers (active by default).
Config name
Merge Connector Groups
If a connector is not identified as conflicting, then the connector will be imported following regular import mechanisms.
Merge Part Assemblies/Parts